# GOWERC clone of http://werc.cat-v.org/ in go. ## features * virtual hosting * render markdown, html, plain text * serve files * read content from zip file ## building ### with go go get -d bitbucket.org/mischief/gowerc go install bitbucket.org/mischief/gowerc ### in docker check out the repo and run: make ## configuration see the example configuration files in [werc](werc) ### using a zip file zip a directory up and pass it to gowerc's `-root` option. zip -r werc.zip werc ## running gowerc -l :80 -root werc/ with a zip file: gowerc -l :80 -root werc.zip ### in docker docker run --rm --name gowerc -v $PWD:/opt mischief/gowerc -root /opt/werc.zip