#!/bin/bash # Setup steps to preform before the actual build INSTANCE_HOST=${1:-pl.example.com} TREEBIRD_HOST=${2:-treebird.example.com} TREEBIRD_PORT=${3:-4008} CONFIG_DIR=./configs # user specific config items mkdir -p $CONFIG_DIR git submodule init git submodule update # apply misc patches to fix compile time bugs patch -p1 < patches/*.patch cp -r mastodont-c treebird/ cp treebird/config.def.h treebird/config.h ln -s ../treebird/config.h ${CONFIG_DIR} sed -i "/config_instance_url/ s/= .*;/= \"https:\\/\\/${INSTANCE_HOST}\\/\\\";/;\ /config_experimental_lookup/ s/= .*;/= FALSE;/" \ treebird/config.h # Patch nginx config sample sed "s/unix:.*;/${TREEBIRD_PORT};/g;s/treebird.example.com/${TREEBIRD_HOST}/g" \ treebird/docs/sample/treebird.nginx.conf > ${CONFIG_DIR}/treebird.nginx.conf echo "Please edit configs/config.h (symlinked for convenience) as needed." echo "Then run ./build_container.sh"