Ilja cd316d7269 Use EXIF data of image to prefill image description
During attachment upload Pleroma returns a "description" field. Pleroma-fe has an MR to use that to pre-fill the image description field, <>

* This MR allows Pleroma to read the EXIF data during upload and return the description to the FE
    * If a description is already present (e.g. because a previous module added it), it will use that
    * Otherwise it will read from the EXIF data. First it will check -ImageDescription, if that's empty, it will check -iptc:Caption-Abstract
    * If no description is found, it will simply return nil, just like before
* When people set up a new instance, they will be asked if they want to read metadata and this module will be activated if so

This was taken from an MR i did on Pleroma and isn't finished yet.
2022-07-01 12:13:46 +02:00

48 lines
1.6 KiB

# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Upload.Filter.ExiftoolReadData do
@moduledoc """
Gets the description from the related EXIF tags and provides them in the response if no description is provided yet.
It will first check ImageDescription, when that's too long or empty, it will check iptc:Caption-Abstract.
When the description is too long (see `:instance, :description_limit`), an empty string is returned.
@behaviour Pleroma.Upload.Filter
@spec filter(Pleroma.Upload.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, String.t()}
def filter(%Pleroma.Upload{description: description})
when is_binary(description),
do: {:ok, :noop}
def filter(%Pleroma.Upload{tempfile: file} = upload),
do: {:ok, :filtered, upload |> Map.put(:description, read_description_from_exif_data(file))}
def filter(_, _), do: {:ok, :noop}
defp read_description_from_exif_data(file) do
|> read_when_empty(file, "-ImageDescription")
|> read_when_empty(file, "-iptc:Caption-Abstract")
defp read_when_empty(current_description, _, _) when is_binary(current_description),
do: current_description
defp read_when_empty(_, file, tag) do
try do
{tag_content, 0} =
System.cmd("exiftool", ["-b", "-s3", tag, file], stderr_to_stdout: true, parallelism: true)
if tag_content != "" and
String.length(tag_content) <=
Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :description_limit]),
do: tag_content,
else: nil
_ in ErlangError -> nil