defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.TagControllerTest do use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase import Pleroma.Factory import Tesla.Mock alias Pleroma.User setup do mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end) :ok end describe "GET /api/v1/tags/:id" do test "returns 200 with tag" do %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["read"]) tag = insert(:hashtag, name: "jubjub") {:ok, _user} = User.follow_hashtag(user, tag) response = conn |> get("/api/v1/tags/jubjub") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert %{ "name" => "jubjub", "url" => "http://localhost:4001/tags/jubjub", "history" => [], "following" => true } = response end test "returns 404 with unknown tag" do %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["read"]) conn |> get("/api/v1/tags/jubjub") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(404) end end describe "POST /api/v1/tags/:id/follow" do test "should follow a hashtag" do %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:follows"]) hashtag = insert(:hashtag, name: "jubjub") response = conn |> post("/api/v1/tags/jubjub/follow") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert response["following"] == true user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(user.ap_id) assert User.following_hashtag?(user, hashtag) end test "should 404 if hashtag doesn't exist" do %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:follows"]) response = conn |> post("/api/v1/tags/rubrub/follow") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(404) assert response["error"] == "Hashtag not found" end end describe "POST /api/v1/tags/:id/unfollow" do test "should unfollow a hashtag" do %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:follows"]) hashtag = insert(:hashtag, name: "jubjub") {:ok, user} = User.follow_hashtag(user, hashtag) response = conn |> post("/api/v1/tags/jubjub/unfollow") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert response["following"] == false user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(user.ap_id) refute User.following_hashtag?(user, hashtag) end test "should 404 if hashtag doesn't exist" do %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write:follows"]) response = conn |> post("/api/v1/tags/rubrub/unfollow") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(404) assert response["error"] == "Hashtag not found" end end describe "GET /api/v1/followed_tags" do test "should list followed tags" do %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["read:follows"]) response = conn |> get("/api/v1/followed_tags") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert Enum.empty?(response) hashtag = insert(:hashtag, name: "jubjub") {:ok, _user} = User.follow_hashtag(user, hashtag) response = conn |> get("/api/v1/followed_tags") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert [%{"name" => "jubjub"}] = response end test "should include a link header to paginate" do %{user: user, conn: conn} = oauth_access(["read:follows"]) for i <- 1..21 do hashtag = insert(:hashtag, name: "jubjub#{i}}") {:ok, _user} = User.follow_hashtag(user, hashtag) end response = conn |> get("/api/v1/followed_tags") json = json_response_and_validate_schema(response, 200) assert Enum.count(json) == 20 assert [link_header] = get_resp_header(response, "link") assert link_header =~ "rel=\"next\"" next_link = extract_next_link_header(link_header) response = conn |> get(next_link) |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200) assert Enum.count(response) == 1 end test "should refuse access without read:follows scope" do %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["write"]) conn |> get("/api/v1/followed_tags") |> json_response_and_validate_schema(403) end end defp extract_next_link_header(header) do [_, next_link] ={<(?.*)>; rel="next"}, header) next_link end end