diff --git a/installation/pleroma.service b/installation/pleroma.service index f1ed56cb3..72090bbc7 100644 --- a/installation/pleroma.service +++ b/installation/pleroma.service @@ -3,15 +3,23 @@ Description=Pleroma social network After=network.target postgresql.service [Service] -User=pleroma -WorkingDirectory=/home/pleroma/pleroma -Environment="HOME=/home/pleroma" -Environment="MIX_ENV=prod" -ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mix phx.server ExecReload=/bin/kill $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=on-failure +; Name of the user that runs the Pleroma service. +User=pleroma +; Declares that Pleroma runs in production mode. +Environment="MIX_ENV=prod" + +; Make sure that all paths fit your installation. +; Path to the home directory of the user running the Pleroma service. +Environment="HOME=/home/pleroma" +; Path to the folder containing the Pleroma installation. +WorkingDirectory=/home/pleroma/pleroma +; Path to the Mix binary. +ExecStart=/usr/bin/mix phx.server + ; Some security directives. ; Use private /tmp and /var/tmp folders inside a new file system namespace, which are discarded after the process stops. PrivateTmp=true