import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue' import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue' import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import { faBoxOpen, faStickyNote, faSmileBeam } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' import { trim, escapeRegExp, startCase } from 'lodash' library.add( faBoxOpen, faStickyNote, faSmileBeam ) // At widest, approximately 20 emoji are visible in a row, // loading 3 rows, could be overkill for narrow picker const LOAD_EMOJI_BY = 60 // When to start loading new batch emoji, in pixels const LOAD_EMOJI_MARGIN = 64 const EmojiPicker = { props: { enableStickerPicker: { required: false, type: Boolean, default: false } }, data () { return { keyword: '', activeGroup: 'standard', showingStickers: false, groupsScrolledClass: 'scrolled-top', keepOpen: false, customEmojiBufferSlice: LOAD_EMOJI_BY, customEmojiTimeout: null, customEmojiLoadAllConfirmed: false } }, components: { StickerPicker: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('../sticker_picker/sticker_picker.vue')), Checkbox }, methods: { onStickerUploaded (e) { this.$emit('sticker-uploaded', e) }, onStickerUploadFailed (e) { this.$emit('sticker-upload-failed', e) }, onEmoji (emoji) { const value = emoji.imageUrl ? `:${emoji.displayText}:` : emoji.replacement this.$emit('emoji', { insertion: value, keepOpen: this.keepOpen }) }, onScroll (e) { const target = (e && || this.$refs['emoji-groups'] this.updateScrolledClass(target) this.scrolledGroup(target) this.triggerLoadMore(target) }, onWheel (e) { e.preventDefault() this.$refs['emoji-tabs'].scrollBy(e.deltaY, 0) }, highlight (key) { this.setShowStickers(false) this.activeGroup = key }, updateScrolledClass (target) { if (target.scrollTop <= 5) { this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-top' } else if (target.scrollTop >= target.scrollTopMax - 5) { this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-bottom' } else { this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-middle' } }, triggerLoadMore (target) { const ref = this.$refs['group-end-custom'] if (!ref) return const bottom = ref.offsetTop + ref.offsetHeight const scrollerBottom = target.scrollTop + target.clientHeight const scrollerTop = target.scrollTop const scrollerMax = target.scrollHeight // Loads more emoji when they come into view const approachingBottom = bottom - scrollerBottom < LOAD_EMOJI_MARGIN // Always load when at the very top in case there's no scroll space yet const atTop = scrollerTop < 5 // Don't load when looking at unicode category or at the very bottom const bottomAboveViewport = bottom < scrollerTop || scrollerBottom === scrollerMax if (!bottomAboveViewport && (approachingBottom || atTop)) { this.loadEmoji() } }, scrolledGroup (target) { const top = target.scrollTop + 5 this.$nextTick(() => { this.emojisView.forEach(group => { const ref = this.$refs['group-' +] if (ref.offsetTop <= top) { this.activeGroup = } }) }) }, loadEmoji () { const allLoaded = this.customEmojiBuffer.length === this.filteredEmoji.length if (allLoaded) { return } this.customEmojiBufferSlice += LOAD_EMOJI_BY }, startEmojiLoad (forceUpdate = false) { if (!forceUpdate) { this.keyword = '' } this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs['emoji-groups'].scrollTop = 0 }) const bufferSize = this.customEmojiBuffer.length const bufferPrefilledAll = bufferSize === this.filteredEmoji.length if (bufferPrefilledAll && !forceUpdate) { return } this.customEmojiBufferSlice = LOAD_EMOJI_BY }, toggleStickers () { this.showingStickers = !this.showingStickers }, setShowStickers (value) { this.showingStickers = value }, filterByKeyword (list) { if (this.keyword === '') return list const regex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(trim(this.keyword)), 'i') return list.filter(emoji => { return regex.test(emoji.displayText) }) } }, watch: { keyword () { this.customEmojiLoadAllConfirmed = false this.onScroll() this.startEmojiLoad(true) } }, computed: { activeGroupView () { return this.showingStickers ? '' : this.activeGroup }, stickersAvailable () { if (this.$store.state.instance.stickers) { return this.$store.state.instance.stickers.length > 0 } return 0 }, filteredEmoji () { return this.filterByKeyword( this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji || [] ) }, customEmojiBuffer () { return this.filteredEmoji.slice(0, this.customEmojiBufferSlice) }, emojis () { const standardEmojis = this.$store.state.instance.emoji || [] const customEmojis = this.sortedEmoji const emojiPacks = [] customEmojis.forEach((pack, id) => { emojiPacks.push({ id: id.replace(/^pack:/, ''), text: startCase(id.replace(/^pack:/, '')), first: pack[0], emojis: this.filterByKeyword(pack) }) }) return [ { id: 'standard', text: this.$t('emoji.unicode'), first: { imageUrl: '', replacement: '🥴' }, emojis: this.filterByKeyword(standardEmojis) } ].concat(emojiPacks) }, sortedEmoji () { const customEmojis = this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji || [] const sortedEmojiGroups = new Map() customEmojis.forEach((emoji) => { if (!sortedEmojiGroups.has(emoji.tags[0])) { sortedEmojiGroups.set(emoji.tags[0], [emoji]) } else { sortedEmojiGroups.get(emoji.tags[0]).push(emoji) } }) return new Map([...sortedEmojiGroups.entries()].sort()) }, emojisView () { if (this.keyword === '') { return this.emojis.filter(pack => { return === this.activeGroup }) } else { return this.emojis.filter(pack => { return pack.emojis.length > 0 }) } }, stickerPickerEnabled () { return (this.$store.state.instance.stickers || []).length !== 0 && this.enableStickerPicker } } } export default EmojiPicker