import { toRaw } from 'vue' const VERSION = 1 const NEW_USER_DATE = new Date('04-08-2022') // date of writing this, basically const COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS = 1000 const COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET = 1001 const defaultState = { // last timestamp timestamp: 0, // need to update server dirty: false, // storage of flags - stuff that can only be set and incremented flagStorage: { updateCounter: 0, // Counter for most recent update notification seen // TODO move to prefsStorage when that becomes a thing since only way // this can be reset is by complete reset of all flags dontShowUpdateNotifs: 0, // if user chose to not show update notifications ever again reset: 0 // special flag that can be used to force-reset all flags, debug purposes only // special reset codes: // 1000: trim keys to those known by currently running FE // 1001: same as above + reset everything to 0 }, // raw data raw: null, // local cache cache: null } const newUserFlags = { ...defaultState.flagStorage, updateCounter: 1 // new users don't need to see update notification } const serverSideStorage = { state: { ...defaultState }, mutations: { setServerSideStorage (state, userData) { const live = const userNew = userData.created_at > NEW_USER_DATE const flagsTemplate = userNew ? newUserFlags : defaultState.defaultState state.raw = live console.log(1111, live._timestamp) let recent = null const cache = state.cache || {} const cacheValid = cache._timestamp > 0 && cache._version > 0 const liveValid = live._timestamp > 0 && live._version > 0 if (!liveValid) { state.dirty = true console.debug('Nothing valid stored on server, assuming cache to be source of truth') if (cacheValid) { recent = cache } else { console.debug(`Local cache is empty, initializing for ${userNew ? 'new' : 'existing'} user`) recent = { _timestamp:, _version: VERSION, flagStorage: { ...flagsTemplate } } } } else if (!cacheValid) { console.debug('Valid storage on server found, no local cache found, using live as source of truth') recent = live } else { console.debug('Both sources have valid data, figuring things out...') console.log(live._timestamp, cache._timestamp) if (live._timestamp === cache._timestamp && live._version === cache._version) { console.debug('Same version/timestamp on both source, source of truth irrelevant') recent = cache } else { state.dirty = true console.debug('Different timestamp, figuring out which one is more recent') let stale if (live._timestamp < cache._timestamp) { recent = cache stale = live } else { recent = live stale = cache } // Merge the flags console.debug('Merging the flags...') recent.flagStorage = recent.flagStorage || { ...flagsTemplate } stale.flagStorage = stale.flagStorage || { ...flagsTemplate } const allFlags = Array.from(new Set([ ...Object.keys(toRaw(recent.flagStorage)), ...Object.keys(toRaw(stale.flagStorage)) ])) const totalFlags = Object.fromEntries( => { const recentFlag = recent.flagStorage[flag] const staleFlag = stale.flagStorage[flag] // use flag that is of higher value return [flag, recentFlag > staleFlag ? recentFlag : staleFlag] })) console.debug('AAA', totalFlags) // flag reset functionality if (totalFlags.reset >= COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS && totalFlags.reset <= COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET) { console.debug('Received command to trim the flags') const knownKeys = new Set(Object.keys(defaultState.flagStorage)) allFlags.forEach(flag => { if (!knownKeys.has(flag)) { delete totalFlags[flag] } }) if (totalFlags.reset === COMMAND_TRIM_FLAGS_AND_RESET) { // 1001 - and reset everything to 0 console.debug('Received command to reset the flags') allFlags.forEach(flag => { totalFlags[flag] = 0 }) } else { // reset the reset 0 totalFlags.reset = 0 } } else if (totalFlags.reset > 0 && totalFlags.reset < 9000) { console.debug('Received command to reset the flags') allFlags.forEach(flag => { totalFlags[flag] = 0 }) // for good luck totalFlags.reset = 0 } console.log('AAAA', totalFlags) state.cache.flagStorage = totalFlags } } state.cache = recent state.flagStorage = state.cache.flagStorage }, setFlag (state, { flag, value }) { state.flagStorage[flag] = value state.dirty = true } }, actions: { pushServerSideStorage ({ state, rootState, commit }, { force = false } = {}) { console.log('PUSH') const needPush = state.dirty || force if (!needPush) return state.cache = { _timestamp:, _version: VERSION, flagStorage: toRaw(state.flagStorage) } console.log('YES') const params = { pleroma_settings_store: { 'pleroma-fe': state.cache } } rootState.api.backendInteractor .updateProfile({ params }) .then((user) => commit('setServerSideStorage', user)) state.dirty = false } } } export default serverSideStorage