import Popover from '../popover/popover.vue' import { ensureFinalFallback } from '../../i18n/languages.js' import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import { faPlus, faTimes } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' import { faSmileBeam } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons' import { trim } from 'lodash' library.add( faPlus, faTimes, faSmileBeam ) const ReactButton = { props: ['status'], data () { return { filterWord: '', expanded: false } }, components: { Popover }, methods: { addReaction (event, emoji, close) { const existingReaction = this.status.emoji_reactions.find(r => === emoji) if (existingReaction && { this.$store.dispatch('unreactWithEmoji', { id:, emoji }) } else { this.$store.dispatch('reactWithEmoji', { id:, emoji }) } close() }, onShow () { this.expanded = true this.focusInput() }, onClose () { this.expanded = false }, focusInput () { this.$nextTick(() => { const input = document.querySelector('.reaction-picker-filter > input') if (input) input.focus() }) }, // Vaguely adjusted copypaste from emoji_input and emoji_picker! maybeLocalizedEmojiNamesAndKeywords (emoji) { const names = [emoji.displayText] const keywords = [] if (emoji.displayTextI18n) { names.push(this.$t(emoji.displayTextI18n.key, emoji.displayTextI18n.args)) } if (emoji.annotations) { this.languages.forEach(lang => { names.push(emoji.annotations[lang]?.name) keywords.push(...(emoji.annotations[lang]?.keywords || [])) }) } return { names: names.filter(k => k), keywords: keywords.filter(k => k) } }, maybeLocalizedEmojiName (emoji) { if (!emoji.annotations) { return emoji.displayText } if (emoji.displayTextI18n) { return this.$t(emoji.displayTextI18n.key, emoji.displayTextI18n.args) } for (const lang of this.languages) { if (emoji.annotations[lang]?.name) { return emoji.annotations[lang].name } } return emoji.displayText } }, computed: { commonEmojis () { const hardcodedSet = new Set(['👍', '😠', '👀', '😂', '🔥']) return this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList.filter(emoji => hardcodedSet.has(emoji.replacement)) }, languages () { return ensureFinalFallback(this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.interfaceLanguage) }, emojis () { if (this.filterWord !== '') { const keywordLowercase = trim(this.filterWord.toLowerCase()) const orderedEmojiList = [] for (const emoji of this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList) { const indices = this.maybeLocalizedEmojiNamesAndKeywords(emoji) .keywords .map(k => k.toLowerCase().indexOf(keywordLowercase)) .filter(k => k > -1) const indexOfKeyword = indices.length ? Math.min(...indices) : -1 if (indexOfKeyword > -1) { if (!Array.isArray(orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword])) { orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword] = [] } orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword].push(emoji) } } return orderedEmojiList.flat() } return this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList || [] }, mergedConfig () { return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig } } } export default ReactButton