import { convert } from 'chromatism' import { rgb2hex, hex2rgb, rgba2css, getCssColor, relativeLuminance } from '../color_convert/color_convert.js' import { getColors, computeDynamicColor, getOpacitySlot } from '../theme_data/theme_data.service.js' import { defaultState } from '../../modules/config.js' export const applyTheme = (input) => { const { rules } = generatePreset(input) const head = document.head const body = document.body body.classList.add('hidden') const styleEl = document.createElement('style') head.appendChild(styleEl) const styleSheet = styleEl.sheet styleSheet.toString() styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules.radii} }`, 'index-max') styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules.colors} }`, 'index-max') styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules.shadows} }`, 'index-max') styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules.fonts} }`, 'index-max') body.classList.remove('hidden') } const configColumns = ({ sidebarColumnWidth, contentColumnWidth, notifsColumnWidth }) => ({ sidebarColumnWidth, contentColumnWidth, notifsColumnWidth }) const defaultConfigColumns = configColumns(defaultState) export const applyConfig = (config) => { const columns = configColumns(config) if (columns === defaultConfigColumns) { return } const head = document.head const body = document.body body.classList.add('hidden') const rules = Object .entries(columns) .filter(([k, v]) => v) .map(([k, v]) => `--${k}: ${v}`).join(';') const styleEl = document.createElement('style') head.appendChild(styleEl) const styleSheet = styleEl.sheet styleSheet.toString() styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules} }`, 'index-max') body.classList.remove('hidden') } export const getCssShadow = (input, usesDropShadow) => { if (input.length === 0) { return 'none' } return input .filter(_ => usesDropShadow ? _.inset : _) .map((shad) => [ shad.x, shad.y, shad.blur, shad.spread ].map(_ => _ + 'px').concat([ getCssColor(shad.color, shad.alpha), shad.inset ? 'inset' : '' ]).join(' ')).join(', ') } const getCssShadowFilter = (input) => { if (input.length === 0) { return 'none' } return input // drop-shadow doesn't support inset or spread .filter((shad) => !shad.inset && Number(shad.spread) === 0) .map((shad) => [ shad.x, shad.y, // drop-shadow's blur is twice as strong compared to box-shadow shad.blur / 2 ].map(_ => _ + 'px').concat([ getCssColor(shad.color, shad.alpha) ]).join(' ')) .map(_ => `drop-shadow(${_})`) .join(' ') } export const generateColors = (themeData) => { const sourceColors = !themeData.themeEngineVersion ? colors2to3(themeData.colors || themeData) : themeData.colors || themeData const { colors, opacity } = getColors(sourceColors, themeData.opacity || {}) const htmlColors = Object.entries(colors) .reduce((acc, [k, v]) => { if (!v) return acc acc.solid[k] = rgb2hex(v) acc.complete[k] = typeof v.a === 'undefined' ? rgb2hex(v) : rgba2css(v) return acc }, { complete: {}, solid: {} }) return { rules: { colors: Object.entries(htmlColors.complete) .filter(([k, v]) => v) .map(([k, v]) => `--${k}: ${v}`) .join(';') }, theme: { colors: htmlColors.solid, opacity } } } export const generateRadii = (input) => { let inputRadii = input.radii || {} // v1 -> v2 if (typeof input.btnRadius !== 'undefined') { inputRadii = Object .entries(input) .filter(([k, v]) => k.endsWith('Radius')) .reduce((acc, e) => { acc[e[0].split('Radius')[0]] = e[1]; return acc }, {}) } const radii = Object.entries(inputRadii).filter(([k, v]) => v).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => { acc[k] = v return acc }, { btn: 4, input: 4, checkbox: 2, panel: 10, avatar: 5, avatarAlt: 50, tooltip: 2, attachment: 5, chatMessage: inputRadii.panel }) return { rules: { radii: Object.entries(radii).filter(([k, v]) => v).map(([k, v]) => `--${k}Radius: ${v}px`).join(';') }, theme: { radii } } } export const generateFonts = (input) => { const fonts = Object.entries(input.fonts || {}).filter(([k, v]) => v).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => { acc[k] = Object.entries(v).filter(([k, v]) => v).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => { acc[k] = v return acc }, acc[k]) return acc }, { interface: { family: 'sans-serif' }, input: { family: 'inherit' }, post: { family: 'inherit' }, postCode: { family: 'monospace' } }) return { rules: { fonts: Object .entries(fonts) .filter(([k, v]) => v) .map(([k, v]) => `--${k}Font: ${}`).join(';') }, theme: { fonts } } } const border = (top, shadow) => ({ x: 0, y: top ? 1 : -1, blur: 0, spread: 0, color: shadow ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF', alpha: 0.2, inset: true }) const buttonInsetFakeBorders = [border(true, false), border(false, true)] const inputInsetFakeBorders = [border(true, true), border(false, false)] const hoverGlow = { x: 0, y: 0, blur: 4, spread: 0, color: '--faint', alpha: 1 } export const DEFAULT_SHADOWS = { panel: [{ x: 1, y: 1, blur: 4, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 0.6 }], topBar: [{ x: 0, y: 0, blur: 4, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 0.6 }], popup: [{ x: 2, y: 2, blur: 3, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 0.5 }], avatar: [{ x: 0, y: 1, blur: 8, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 0.7 }], avatarStatus: [], panelHeader: [], button: [{ x: 0, y: 0, blur: 2, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 1 }, ...buttonInsetFakeBorders], buttonHover: [hoverGlow, ...buttonInsetFakeBorders], buttonPressed: [hoverGlow, ...inputInsetFakeBorders], input: [...inputInsetFakeBorders, { x: 0, y: 0, blur: 2, inset: true, spread: 0, color: '#000000', alpha: 1 }] } export const generateShadows = (input, colors) => { // TODO this is a small hack for `mod` to work with shadows // this is used to get the "context" of shadow, i.e. for `mod` properly depend on background color of element const hackContextDict = { button: 'btn', panel: 'bg', top: 'topBar', popup: 'popover', avatar: 'bg', panelHeader: 'panel', input: 'input' } const cleanInputShadows = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(input.shadows || {}) .map(([name, shadowSlot]) => [ name, // defaulting color to black to avoid potential problems => ({ color: '#000000', ...shadowDef })) ]) ) const inputShadows = cleanInputShadows && !input.themeEngineVersion ? shadows2to3(cleanInputShadows, input.opacity) : cleanInputShadows || {} const shadows = Object.entries({ ...DEFAULT_SHADOWS, ...inputShadows }).reduce((shadowsAcc, [slotName, shadowDefs]) => { const slotFirstWord = slotName.replace(/[A-Z].*$/, '') const colorSlotName = hackContextDict[slotFirstWord] const isLightOnDark = relativeLuminance(convert(colors[colorSlotName]).rgb) < 0.5 const mod = isLightOnDark ? 1 : -1 const newShadow = shadowDefs.reduce((shadowAcc, def) => [ ...shadowAcc, { ...def, color: rgb2hex(computeDynamicColor( def.color, (variableSlot) => convert(colors[variableSlot]).rgb, mod )) } ], []) return { ...shadowsAcc, [slotName]: newShadow } }, {}) return { rules: { shadows: Object .entries(shadows) // TODO for v2.2: if shadow doesn't have non-inset shadows with spread > 0 - optionally // convert all non-inset shadows into filter: drop-shadow() to boost performance .map(([k, v]) => [ `--${k}Shadow: ${getCssShadow(v)}`, `--${k}ShadowFilter: ${getCssShadowFilter(v)}`, `--${k}ShadowInset: ${getCssShadow(v, true)}` ].join(';')) .join(';') }, theme: { shadows } } } export const composePreset = (colors, radii, shadows, fonts) => { return { rules: { ...shadows.rules, ...colors.rules, ...radii.rules, ...fonts.rules }, theme: { ...shadows.theme, ...colors.theme, ...radii.theme, ...fonts.theme } } } export const generatePreset = (input) => { const colors = generateColors(input) return composePreset( colors, generateRadii(input), generateShadows(input, colors.theme.colors, colors.mod), generateFonts(input) ) } export const getThemes = () => { const cache = 'no-store' return window.fetch('/static/styles.json', { cache }) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((themes) => { return Object.entries(themes).map(([k, v]) => { let promise = null if (typeof v === 'object') { promise = Promise.resolve(v) } else if (typeof v === 'string') { promise = window.fetch(v, { cache }) .then((data) => data.json()) .catch((e) => { console.error(e) return null }) } return [k, promise] }) }) .then((promises) => { return promises .reduce((acc, [k, v]) => { acc[k] = v return acc }, {}) }) } export const colors2to3 = (colors) => { return Object.entries(colors).reduce((acc, [slotName, color]) => { const btnPositions = ['', 'Panel', 'TopBar'] switch (slotName) { case 'lightBg': return { ...acc, highlight: color } case 'btnText': return { ...acc, ...btnPositions .reduce( (statePositionAcc, position) => ({ ...statePositionAcc, ['btn' + position + 'Text']: color }) , {} ) } default: return { ...acc, [slotName]: color } } }, {}) } /** * This handles compatibility issues when importing v2 theme's shadows to current format * * Back in v2 shadows allowed you to use dynamic colors however those used pure CSS3 variables */ export const shadows2to3 = (shadows, opacity) => { return Object.entries(shadows).reduce((shadowsAcc, [slotName, shadowDefs]) => { const isDynamic = ({ color = '#000000' }) => color.startsWith('--') const getOpacity = ({ color }) => opacity[getOpacitySlot(color.substring(2).split(',')[0])] const newShadow = shadowDefs.reduce((shadowAcc, def) => [ ...shadowAcc, { ...def, alpha: isDynamic(def) ? getOpacity(def) || 1 : def.alpha } ], []) return { ...shadowsAcc, [slotName]: newShadow } }, {}) } export const getPreset = (val) => { return getThemes() .then((themes) => themes[val] ? themes[val] : themes['pleroma-dark']) .then((theme) => { const isV1 = Array.isArray(theme) const data = isV1 ? {} : theme.theme if (isV1) { const bg = hex2rgb(theme[1]) const fg = hex2rgb(theme[2]) const text = hex2rgb(theme[3]) const link = hex2rgb(theme[4]) const cRed = hex2rgb(theme[5] || '#FF0000') const cGreen = hex2rgb(theme[6] || '#00FF00') const cBlue = hex2rgb(theme[7] || '#0000FF') const cOrange = hex2rgb(theme[8] || '#E3FF00') data.colors = { bg, fg, text, link, cRed, cBlue, cGreen, cOrange } } return { theme: data, source: theme.source } }) } export const setPreset = (val) => getPreset(val).then(data => applyTheme(data.theme))