const DIRECTION_LEFT = [-1, 0] const DIRECTION_RIGHT = [1, 0] const DIRECTION_UP = [0, -1] const DIRECTION_DOWN = [0, 1] const deltaCoord = (oldCoord, newCoord) => [newCoord[0] - oldCoord[0], newCoord[1] - oldCoord[1]] const touchEventCoord = e => ([e.touches[0].screenX, e.touches[0].screenY]) const vectorLength = v => Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]) const perpendicular = v => [v[1], -v[0]] const dotProduct = (v1, v2) => v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] const project = (v1, v2) => { const scalar = (dotProduct(v1, v2) / dotProduct(v2, v2)) return [scalar * v2[0], scalar * v2[1]] } // direction: either use the constants above or an arbitrary 2d vector. // threshold: how many Px to move from touch origin before checking if the // callback should be called. // divergentTolerance: a scalar for much of divergent direction we tolerate when // above threshold. for example, with 1.0 we only call the callback if // divergent component of delta is < 1.0 * direction component of delta. const swipeGesture = (direction, onSwipe, threshold = 30, perpendicularTolerance = 1.0) => { return { direction, onSwipe, threshold, perpendicularTolerance, _startPos: [0, 0], _swiping: false } } const beginSwipe = (event, gesture) => { gesture._startPos = touchEventCoord(event) gesture._swiping = true } const updateSwipe = (event, gesture) => { if (!gesture._swiping) return // movement too small const delta = deltaCoord(gesture._startPos, touchEventCoord(event)) if (vectorLength(delta) < gesture.threshold) return // movement is opposite from direction if (dotProduct(delta, gesture.direction) < 0) return // movement perpendicular to direction is too much const towardsDir = project(delta, gesture.direction) const perpendicularDir = perpendicular(gesture.direction) const towardsPerpendicular = project(delta, perpendicularDir) if ( vectorLength(towardsDir) * gesture.perpendicularTolerance < vectorLength(towardsPerpendicular) ) return gesture.onSwipe() gesture._swiping = false } const GestureService = { DIRECTION_LEFT, DIRECTION_RIGHT, DIRECTION_UP, DIRECTION_DOWN, swipeGesture, beginSwipe, updateSwipe } export default GestureService