import utf8 from 'utf8' export const newExporter = ({ filename = 'data', getExportedObject }) => ({ exportData () { const stringified = utf8.encode(JSON.stringify(getExportedObject(), null, 2)) // Pretty-print and indent with 2 spaces // Create an invisible link with a data url and simulate a click const e = document.createElement('a') e.setAttribute('download', `${filename}.json`) e.setAttribute('href', 'data:application/json;base64,' + window.btoa(stringified)) = 'none' document.body.appendChild(e) document.body.removeChild(e) } }) export const newImporter = ({ onImport, onImportFailure, validator = () => true }) => ({ importData () { const filePicker = document.createElement('input') filePicker.setAttribute('type', 'file') filePicker.setAttribute('accept', '.json') filePicker.addEventListener('change', event => { if ([0]) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = ({ target }) => { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(target.result) const validationResult = validator(parsed) if (validationResult === true) { onImport(parsed) } else { onImportFailure({ validationResult }) } } catch (error) { onImportFailure({ error }) } } reader.readAsText([0]) } }) document.body.appendChild(filePicker) document.body.removeChild(filePicker) } })