import { filter, sortBy, includes } from 'lodash' import { muteWordHits } from '../status_parser/status_parser.js' import { showDesktopNotification } from '../desktop_notification_utils/desktop_notification_utils.js' export const notificationsFromStore = store => export const visibleTypes = store => { const rootState = store.rootState || store.state return ([ rootState.config.notificationVisibility.likes && 'like', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.mentions && 'mention', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.repeats && 'repeat', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.follows && 'follow', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.followRequest && 'follow_request', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.moves && 'move', rootState.config.notificationVisibility.emojiReactions && 'pleroma:emoji_reaction' ].filter(_ => _)) } const statusNotifications = ['like', 'mention', 'repeat', 'pleroma:emoji_reaction'] export const isStatusNotification = (type) => includes(statusNotifications, type) const sortById = (a, b) => { const seqA = Number( const seqB = Number( const isSeqA = !Number.isNaN(seqA) const isSeqB = !Number.isNaN(seqB) if (isSeqA && isSeqB) { return seqA > seqB ? -1 : 1 } else if (isSeqA && !isSeqB) { return 1 } else if (!isSeqA && isSeqB) { return -1 } else { return > ? -1 : 1 } } const isMutedNotification = (store, notification) => { if (!notification.status) return return notification.status.muted || muteWordHits(notification.status, store.rootGetters.mergedConfig.muteWords).length > 0 } export const maybeShowNotification = (store, notification) => { const rootState = store.rootState || store.state if (notification.seen) return if (!visibleTypes(store).includes(notification.type)) return if (notification.type === 'mention' && isMutedNotification(store, notification)) return const notificationObject = prepareNotificationObject(notification, store.rootGetters.i18n) showDesktopNotification(rootState, notificationObject) } export const filteredNotificationsFromStore = (store, types) => { // map is just to clone the array since sort mutates it and it causes some issues let sortedNotifications = notificationsFromStore(store).map(_ => _).sort(sortById) sortedNotifications = sortBy(sortedNotifications, 'seen') return sortedNotifications.filter( (notification) => (types || visibleTypes(store)).includes(notification.type) ) } export const unseenNotificationsFromStore = store => filter(filteredNotificationsFromStore(store), ({ seen }) => !seen) export const prepareNotificationObject = (notification, i18n) => { const notifObj = { tag: } const status = notification.status const title = notifObj.title = title notifObj.icon = notification.from_profile.profile_image_url let i18nString switch (notification.type) { case 'like': i18nString = 'favorited_you' break case 'repeat': i18nString = 'repeated_you' break case 'follow': i18nString = 'followed_you' break case 'move': i18nString = 'migrated_to' break case 'follow_request': i18nString = 'follow_request' break } if (notification.type === 'pleroma:emoji_reaction') { notifObj.body = i18n.t('notifications.reacted_with', [notification.emoji]) } else if (i18nString) { notifObj.body = i18n.t('notifications.' + i18nString) } else if (isStatusNotification(notification.type)) { notifObj.body = notification.status.text } // Shows first attached non-nsfw image, if any. Should add configuration for this somehow... if (status && status.attachments && status.attachments.length > 0 && !status.nsfw && status.attachments[0].mimetype.startsWith('image/')) { notifObj.image = status.attachments[0].url } return notifObj }