/** * Extract tag name from tag opener/closer. * * @param {String} tag - tag string, i.e. '' * @return {String} - tagname, i.e. "div" */ export const getTagName = (tag) => { const result = /(?:<\/(\w+)>|<(\w+)\s?.*?\/?>)/gi.exec(tag) return result && (result[1] || result[2]) } /** * Extract attributes from tag opener. * * @param {String} tag - tag string, i.e. '' * @return {Object} - map of attributes key = attribute name, value = attribute value * attributes without values represented as boolean true */ export const getAttrs = tag => { const innertag = tag .substring(1, tag.length - 1) .replace(new RegExp('^' + getTagName(tag)), '') .replace(/\/?$/, '') .trim() const attrs = Array.from(innertag.matchAll(/([a-z0-9-]+)(?:=("[^"]+?"|'[^']+?'))?/gi)) .map(([trash, key, value]) => [key, value]) .map(([k, v]) => { if (!v) return [k, true] return [k, v.substring(1, v.length - 1)] }) return Object.fromEntries(attrs) } /** * Finds shortcodes in text * * @param {String} text - original text to find emojis in * @param {{ url: String, shortcode: Sring }[]} emoji - list of shortcodes to find * @param {Function} processor - function to call on each encountered emoji, * function is passed single object containing matching emoji ({ url, shortcode }) * return value will be inserted into resulting array instead of :shortcode: * @return {Array} resulting array with non-emoji parts of text and whatever {processor} * returned for emoji */ export const processTextForEmoji = (text, emojis, processor) => { const buffer = [] let textBuffer = '' for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { const char = text[i] if (char === ':') { const next = text.slice(i + 1) let found = false for (const emoji of emojis) { if (next.slice(0, emoji.shortcode.length + 1) === (emoji.shortcode + ':')) { found = emoji break } } if (found) { buffer.push(textBuffer) textBuffer = '' buffer.push(processor(found)) i += found.shortcode.length + 1 } else { textBuffer += char } } else { textBuffer += char } } if (textBuffer) buffer.push(textBuffer) return buffer }