import ColorInput from '../color_input/color_input.vue' import OpacityInput from '../opacity_input/opacity_input.vue' import { getCssShadow } from '../../services/style_setter/style_setter.js' import { hex2rgb } from '../../services/color_convert/color_convert.js' import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import { faTimes, faChevronDown, faChevronUp, faPlus } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' library.add( faChevronDown, faChevronUp, faTimes, faPlus ) const toModel = (object = {}) => ({ x: 0, y: 0, blur: 0, spread: 0, inset: false, color: '#000000', alpha: 1, ...object }) export default { // 'Value' and 'Fallback' can be undefined, but if they are // initially vue won't detect it when they become something else // therefore i'm using "ready" which should be passed as true when // data becomes available props: [ 'value', 'fallback', 'ready' ], data () { return { selectedId: 0, // TODO there are some bugs regarding display of array (it's not getting updated when deleting for some reason) cValue: (this.value || this.fallback || []).map(toModel) } }, components: { ColorInput, OpacityInput }, methods: { add () { this.cValue.push(toModel(this.selected)) this.selectedId = this.cValue.length - 1 }, del () { this.cValue.splice(this.selectedId, 1) this.selectedId = this.cValue.length === 0 ? undefined : Math.max(this.selectedId - 1, 0) }, moveUp () { const movable = this.cValue.splice(this.selectedId, 1)[0] this.cValue.splice(this.selectedId - 1, 0, movable) this.selectedId -= 1 }, moveDn () { const movable = this.cValue.splice(this.selectedId, 1)[0] this.cValue.splice(this.selectedId + 1, 0, movable) this.selectedId += 1 } }, beforeUpdate () { this.cValue = this.value || this.fallback }, computed: { anyShadows () { return this.cValue.length > 0 }, anyShadowsFallback () { return this.fallback.length > 0 }, selected () { if (this.ready && this.anyShadows) { return this.cValue[this.selectedId] } else { return toModel({}) } }, currentFallback () { if (this.ready && this.anyShadowsFallback) { return this.fallback[this.selectedId] } else { return toModel({}) } }, moveUpValid () { return this.ready && this.selectedId > 0 }, moveDnValid () { return this.ready && this.selectedId < this.cValue.length - 1 }, present () { return this.ready && typeof this.cValue[this.selectedId] !== 'undefined' && !this.usingFallback }, usingFallback () { return typeof this.value === 'undefined' }, rgb () { return hex2rgb(this.selected.color) }, style () { return this.ready ? { boxShadow: getCssShadow(this.fallback) } : {} } } }