defmodule AutoLinker do
@moduledoc """
Create url links from text containing urls.
Turns an input string like `"Check out"` into
`Check out ""`
## Examples
iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false)
iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
iex>"[Google](", markdown: true, new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
iex>"[Google Search](", markdown: true)
"Google Search"
import AutoLinker.Parser
@doc """
Auto link a string.
* `class: "auto-linker"` - specify the class to be added to the generated link. false to clear
* `rel: "noopener noreferrer"` - override the rel attribute. false to clear
* `new_window: true` - set to false to remove `target='_blank'` attribute
* `scheme: false` - Set to true to link urls with schema `http://google`
* `truncate: false` - Set to a number to truncate urls longer then the number. Truncated urls will end in `..`
* `strip_prefix: true` - Strip the scheme prefix
* `exclude_class: false` - Set to a class name when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give class
* `exclude_id: false` - Set to an element id when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give element
* `exclude_patterns: ["```"]` - Don't link anything between the the pattern
* `markdown: false` - link markdown style links
Each of the above options can be specified when calling `link(text, opts)`
or can be set in the `:auto_linker`'s configuration. For example:
config :auto_linker,
class: false,
new_window: false
Note that passing opts to `link/2` will override the configuration settings.
def link(text, opts \\ []) do
parse({text, nil}, opts) |> elem(0)
def link_map(text, acc, opts \\ []) do
parse({text, acc}, opts)