diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c1b1dcd..142e9d8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ iex> AutoLinker.link("or at home on 555.555.5555", phone: true)
iex> AutoLinker.link(", work (555) 555-5555", phone: true)
", work (555) 555-5555"
-iex> AutoLinker.link("[Google Search](http://google.com)", markdown: true)
-"Google Search"
See the [Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/auto_linker/) for more examples
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker.ex b/lib/auto_linker.ex
index 01688d8..b4b98a7 100644
--- a/lib/auto_linker.ex
+++ b/lib/auto_linker.ex
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker do
iex> AutoLinker.link("google.com", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
- iex> AutoLinker.link("[Google](http://google.com)", markdown: true, new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
- ~s(Google)
- iex> AutoLinker.link("[Google Search](http://google.com)", markdown: true)
- ~s(Google Search)
import AutoLinker.Parser
@@ -39,7 +33,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker do
* `exclude_class: false` - Set to a class name when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give class
* `exclude_id: false` - Set to an element id when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give element
* `exclude_patterns: ["```"]` - Don't link anything between the the pattern
- * `markdown: false` - link markdown style links
* `email: false` - link email links
* `mention: false` - link @mentions (when `true`, requires `mention_prefix` or `mention_handler` options to be set)
* `mention_prefix: nil` - a prefix to build a link for a mention (example: `https://example.com/user/`)
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex b/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex
index 888fd82..e430576 100644
--- a/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex
+++ b/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex
@@ -17,14 +17,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.Builder do
|> format_url(text, opts)
- def create_markdown_links(text, opts) do
- []
- |> build_attrs(text, opts, :rel)
- |> build_attrs(text, opts, :target)
- |> build_attrs(text, opts, :class)
- |> format_markdown(text, opts)
- end
defp build_attrs(attrs, uri, %{rel: get_rel}, :rel) when is_function(get_rel, 1) do
case get_rel.(uri) do
nil -> attrs
@@ -68,16 +60,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.Builder do
|> Enum.join(" ")
- defp format_markdown(attrs, text, _opts) do
- attrs =
- case format_attrs(attrs) do
- "" -> ""
- attrs -> " " <> attrs
- end
- Regex.replace(~r/\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/, text, "\\1")
- end
defp truncate(url, false), do: url
defp truncate(url, len) when len < 3, do: url
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex b/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex
index b7b4b75..eba051a 100644
--- a/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex
+++ b/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex
@@ -111,13 +111,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.Parser do
|> do_parse(Map.delete(opts, :extra))
- defp do_parse({text, user_acc}, %{markdown: true} = opts) do
- text
- |> Builder.create_markdown_links(opts)
- |> (&{&1, user_acc}).()
- |> do_parse(Map.delete(opts, :markdown))
- end
defp do_parse(input, %{email: true} = opts) do
|> do_parse(opts, {"", "", :parsing}, &check_and_link_email/3)
diff --git a/test/auto_linker_test.exs b/test/auto_linker_test.exs
index 0478c57..489b03e 100644
--- a/test/auto_linker_test.exs
+++ b/test/auto_linker_test.exs
@@ -12,32 +12,19 @@ defmodule AutoLinkerTest do
- test "markdown" do
- assert AutoLinker.link("[google.com](http://google.com)", markdown: true) ==
- "google.com"
- end
test "does on link existing links" do
assert AutoLinker.link("google.com") ==
- test "phone number and markdown link" do
- assert AutoLinker.link("888 888-8888 [ab](a.com)", phone: true, markdown: true) ==
- ~s(888 888-8888) <>
- ~s( ab)
- end
test "all kinds of links" do
- text =
- "hello google.com https://ddg.com 888 888-8888 user@email.com [google.com](http://google.com) irc:///mIRC"
+ text = "hello google.com https://ddg.com 888 888-8888 user@email.com irc:///mIRC"
expected =
- "hello google.com ddg.com 888 888-8888 user@email.com google.com irc:///mIRC"
+ "hello google.com ddg.com 888 888-8888 user@email.com irc:///mIRC"
assert AutoLinker.link(text,
phone: true,
- markdown: true,
email: true,
scheme: true,
extra: true,
diff --git a/test/builder_test.exs b/test/builder_test.exs
index e20f6ea..9fd332e 100644
--- a/test/builder_test.exs
+++ b/test/builder_test.exs
@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.BuilderTest do
assert create_link("http://text", %{rel: false, strip_prefix: false}) == expected
- test "create_markdown_links/2" do
- expected =
- "text"
- assert create_markdown_links("[text](url)", %{}) == expected
- end
test "format_hashtag/3" do
expected = "#girls"
assert format_hashtag(%{href: "/t/girls"}, "girls", nil) == expected