Split checks into functions returning atoms to make the decisions

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Mark Felder 2021-01-26 19:03:29 -06:00
parent 26fa3bffeb
commit aec97fac71
1 changed files with 37 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -202,22 +202,44 @@ defmodule Linkify.Parser do
defp maybe_strip_parens(buffer) do
with buffer = String.trim_leading(buffer, "("),
true <- String.ends_with?(buffer, ")"),
false <- buffer |> String.trim_trailing(")") |> email?(nil),
true <- buffer |> String.trim_trailing(")") |> url?(nil),
%{path: path, query: query} = URI.parse(buffer),
false <- not is_nil(query),
false <- not String.contains?(path, "/"),
false <- not String.contains?(path, "("),
graphemes = String.graphemes(buffer),
openidx = graphemes |> Enum.find_index(fn x -> x == "(" end),
closeidx = graphemes |> Enum.find_index(fn x -> x == ")" end),
true <- openidx < closeidx do
trimmed = String.trim_leading(buffer, "(")
with :next <- parens_check_trailing(buffer),
:next <- parens_found_email(trimmed),
:next <- parens_found_url(trimmed),
%{path: path, query: query} = URI.parse(trimmed),
:next <- parens_in_query(query),
:next <- parens_found_path_separator(path),
:next <- parens_path_has_open_paren(path),
:next <- parens_check_balanced(trimmed) do
buffer |> String.trim_leading("(") |> String.trim_trailing(")")
false -> buffer |> String.trim_leading("(")
true -> buffer |> String.trim_leading("(") |> String.trim_trailing(")")
:both -> buffer |> String.trim_leading("(") |> String.trim_trailing(")")
:noop -> buffer
_ -> buffer
defp parens_check_trailing(buffer), do: (String.ends_with?(buffer, ")") && :next) || :noop
defp parens_found_email(trimmed),
do: (String.trim_trailing(trimmed, ")") |> email?(nil) && :both) || :next
defp parens_found_url(trimmed),
do: (String.trim_trailing(trimmed, ")") |> url?(nil) && :next) || :noop
defp parens_in_query(query), do: (is_nil(query) && :next) || :both
defp parens_found_path_separator(path), do: (String.contains?(path, "/") && :next) || :both
defp parens_path_has_open_paren(path), do: (String.contains?(path, "(") && :next) || :both
defp parens_check_balanced(trimmed) do
graphemes = String.graphemes(trimmed)
opencnt = graphemes |> Enum.count(fn x -> x == "(" end)
closecnt = graphemes |> Enum.count(fn x -> x == ")" end)
cond do
opencnt == closecnt -> :leading_only
true -> :next