#!/usr/bin/env node import commandLineArgs from "command-line-args"; import commandLineUsage from "command-line-usage"; import * as fs from "fs"; import generator, { Entity, Response } from "megalodon"; import { exit } from "process"; const optionDefinitions = [ { name: "help", type: Boolean, alias: "h", description: "Print this usage guide." }, { name: "verbose", type: Boolean, alias: "v", description: "Print debugging output." }, { name: "config", type: String, alias: "c", description: "Path to the configuration file.", defaultValue: "./config.json", typeLabel: "" }, { name: "sfw_directory", type: String, alias: "s", description: "The directory of (SFW) images for the bot to post.", defaultValue: "./images/sfw", typeLabel: "" }, { name: "nsfw_directory", type: String, alias: "n", description: "The directory of (NSFW) images for the bot to post. If it chooses these, they will be marked sensitive.", defaultValue: "./images/nsfw", typeLabel: "" }, { name: "message", type: String, alias: "m", description: "The message to post with the image.", defaultValue: "", typeLabel: "" } ]; const args = commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions); if (args.help) { const usage = commandLineUsage([ { header: "Fediverse Image Bot", content: "A bot that posts images from a directory to the Fediverse." }, { header: "Options", optionList: optionDefinitions }, { content: "Project home: {underline https://git.freecumextremist.com/NotSam/fediverse-imagebot}" } ]); console.log(usage); exit(0); } // JSON object read from config file const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json", "utf8")); const sfw_files = fs.readdirSync(args.sfw_directory); const nsfw_files = fs.readdirSync(args.nsfw_directory); const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (sfw_files.length + nsfw_files.length)); // Get image from directory and mark it as sensitive if it's in the nsfw directory let image: fs.ReadStream; let sensitive: boolean; if (random >= sfw_files.length) { // Random Image is NSFW, mark it sensitive image = fs.createReadStream(args.nsfw_directory + "/" + nsfw_files[ random - sfw_files.length ]); sensitive = true; } else { // Image is SFW, mark it not sensitive image = fs.createReadStream(args.sfw_directory + "/" + sfw_files[ random ]); sensitive = false; } const client = generator(data.type, data.instance, data.accessToken); client.uploadMedia(image).then((res: Response) => { client.postStatus(args.message, { media_ids: [ res.data.id ], visibility: "unlisted", sensitive: sensitive } ).then((res: Response) => { console.log("Successfully posted to " + data.instance); if (args.verbose) console.log(console.log(res.data)); exit(0); } ).catch((err: Error) => { console.error("Error posting to " + data.instance); console.error("Run with -v to see the full error."); if (args.verbose) console.error(err); exit(1); } ); }).catch((err: Error) => { console.error("Error uploading image to " + data.instance); console.error("Run with -v to see the full error."); if (args.verbose) console.error(err); exit(1); });