# fediverse-imagebot [![Build Status](https://ci.git.froth.zone/api/badges/sam/fediverse-imagebot/status.svg)](https://ci.git.froth.zone/sam/fediverse-imagebot) A bot that posts local and booru images to the Fediverse. Compatible with Mastodon, Misskey and Pleroma! ## MIGRATING MAJOR VERSIONS See [the wiki](https://git.froth.zone/sam/fediverse-imagebot/wiki/Migrating). ## Boorus supported The full list of boorus supported is found [here](https://github.com/AtoraSuunva/booru/blob/master/src/sites.json). ## Downloading the bot There are currently three ways to do this, a pre-built binary that bundles in node, from npm, or building from source. Both are listed below. ### Downloading pre-built binaries Download prebuilt binaries from [here](https://git.froth.zone/sam/fediverse-imagebot/releases/latest). (currently supports x86_64 and arm64 on Linux [glibc or musl], macOS and Windows) 1. Run the bot with the `-w` flag to have it generate a configuration file to the local directory. 2. Edit it for your use case. - If you want to generate a key you can use 3. Run the bot by launching the executable! ### From NPM 1. Set up using the [Gitea registry](https://git.froth.zone/sam/fediverse-imagebot/packages) ```sh npm config set @froth:registry https://git.froth.zone/api/packages/sam/npm/ ``` 2. After setting up the registry, either install it permanently ```sh npx --package=@froth/feditoken feditoken ``` ### Running from Source 1. You need to have `npm` and `nodejs` installed. - Node 16 or greater is required. 2. Install `pnpm`: \ `corepack enable` \ Check for more information. 3. Clone the repository: \ `git clone https://git.froth.zone/sam/fediverse-imagebot.git` 4. Install dependencies: \ `pnpm i` 5. Build: \ `pnpm run build` 6. Edit the config file: \ `cp config.sample.jsonc config.jsonc` - If you want to generate a key you can use https://git.froth.zone/sam/js-feditoken 7. Run the bot: \ `pnpm bot` You're done! The bot should post a local image to the fediverse instance of your choosing! ## Automating the bot _TODO: Elaborate more_ The bot can be automated to post images at set times using a cronjob. \ Example cron configuration: ``` 0 * * * * cd /path/to/fediverse-imagebot && pnpm bot -c ./config.sample.jsonc ``` This example will run the bot every hour on the hour with no message using images from the default `images` directory. An example of this pleroma configuration can be found at https://froth.zone/rinbot.