import { createReadStream, ReadStream } from "fs"; import { readdir } from "fs/promises"; import { exit } from "process"; import args from "./helpers/args.js"; import crashHandler from "./helpers/crashHandler.js"; import { config } from "./helpers/types.js"; import postImage from "./postImage.js"; /** * Get a local image from the filesystem * @param conf Configuration object (see {@link config}) * @calls postImage with the image it randomly selects from the local directory */ export default async function getLocalImage(conf: config) { // Get SFW directory const sfw_files: string[] = await readdir(`${}/sfw`).catch( (e) => { crashHandler("Error reading SFW image directory.", e); return []; } ); // Get NSFW directory const nsfw_files: string[] = await readdir(`${}/nsfw`).catch( (e) => { crashHandler("Error reading NSFW image directory.", e); return []; } ); const random = Math.floor( Math.random() * (sfw_files.length + nsfw_files.length) ); // Filler that is used to get a random file from the directories let image: ReadStream; let sensitivity: boolean; let file: string; if (random >= sfw_files.length) { // Image is NSFW, mark it sensitive file = `${}/nsfw/${nsfw_files[random - sfw_files.length]}`; image = createReadStream(file).on("error", (err: Error) => { crashHandler(`Error reading file "${file}"`, err); }); sensitivity = true; } else { // Image is SFW, mark it not sensitive file = `${}/sfw/${sfw_files[random]}`; image = createReadStream(file).on("error", (err: Error) => { crashHandler(`Error reading file "${file}"`, err); }); sensitivity = false; } if (args.verbose) { console.log(`File being sent: ${file}`); console.log(`Sensitivity: ${sensitivity}`); } await postImage(image, sensitivity, conf); exit(0); }