diff --git a/src/helpers/writeconfig.ts b/src/helpers/writeconfig.ts index 7e1b8c1..58f1ce7 100644 --- a/src/helpers/writeconfig.ts +++ b/src/helpers/writeconfig.ts @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ export default function writeConfig() { writeFileSync( "./config.jsonc", // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier + // prettier-ignore "{ \n //Instance and token settings \n \"instance\": \"INSTANCE_URL\", // example https://test.com \n \"type\": \"INSTANCE_TYPE\", // examples: \"mastodon\", \"misskey\", \"pleroma\" \n \"accessToken\": \"ACCESS_TOKEN\", // Get a token from https://git.froth.zone/Sam/js-feditoken \n \"refreshToken\": \"REFRESH_TOKEN\", // optional \n \n // Post settings \n \"message\": \"\", // example: \"Hello, world!\" \n \"visibility\": \"unlisted\", // example: \"public\", \"unlisted\", \"private\", \"direct\" \n \n \"remote\": false, // **Set this to `true` if you want to serve a file from a booru!** \n /* THESE SETTINGS WILL BE IGNORED IF YOU SET `remote` TO `false` */ \n \"booru\": \"safebooru.org\", // example: \"safebooru.org\" \n \"tags\": [\"\"], // example: [\"tohsaka_rin\", \"-feet\"] \n \"rating\": \"safe\", // example: \"safe\", \"questionable\", \"explicit\" \n /* END OF SETTINGS THAT WILL BE IGNORED IF YOU SET `remote` TO `false` */ \n \n /* THESE SETTINGS WILL BE IGNORED IF YOU SET `remote` TO `true` */ \n \"directory\": \"./images\" // example: \"./images\" \n /* \n Directory structure should be as follows: \n folder/ \n - sfw/ \n - image1.jpg \n - nsfw/ \n - image1.jpg \n */ \n /* END OF SETTINGS THAT WILL BE IGNORED IF YOU SET `remote` TO `true` */ \n} \n" ); return;