var ejs = require('ejs'); var fs = require('fs'); var template = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('./lib/template.ejs', 'utf8')); var timeAgo = require('timeago.js'); var request = require('request-promise-cache') const hour = 3600000; // get JSON for an AP URL, by either fetching it or grabbing it from a cache. // Honestly request-promise-cache should be good enough. Redis would be a nice upgrade but for // a single process install it will be fine. // note: rejects on HTTP 4xx or 5xx async function apGet(url,ttl) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ // fail early if (!url){ reject(new Error('URL is invalid')); } request( { uri:url, cacheKey:url, cacheTTL:ttl || 24 * hour, headers: { "accept": "application/activity+json" } }) .then(body=>JSON.parse(body)) .then(resolve) .catch(reject) }) } // like Promise.all except returns null on error instead of failing all the promises async function promiseSome(proms){ function noRejectWrap(prom){ return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ prom // it's already been called .then(resolve) .catch(e=>{ // console.warn(e);// for debugging resolve(null) }) }) } return await Promise.all( } module.exports = async function (opts) { var opts = opts; var feedUrl = opts.feedUrl; var userUrl = opts.userUrl; var isIndex = false; if (!userUrl) { throw new Error('need user URL'); } var user, feed; // get user and feed in parallel if I have both URLs. // can cache feed aggressively since it is a specific start and end. if (userUrl && feedUrl){ [user, feed] = await Promise.all([ apGet(userUrl), apGet(feedUrl) ]); }else{ // get user, then outbox, then feed user = await apGet(userUrl,24 * hour); isIndex = true; var outbox = await apGet(user.outbox, 1 * hour); // outbox.first can be a string for a URL, or an object with stuffs in it if (typeof outbox.first == 'object'){ feed = outbox.first; } else { feed = await apGet(outbox.first, hour/6);// 10 mins. Because the base feed URL can get new toots quickly. } } var templateData = { opts: opts,// from the request meta: metaForUser(user), items: await itemsForFeed(opts,user,feed), nextPageLink: getNextPage(opts,user,feed), isIndex: isIndex }; return template(templateData); } function metaForUser(user) { return { avatar: user.icon && user.icon.url?user.icon.url:null, headerImage:user.image && user.image.url?user.image.url:null, title:||user.preferredUsername||null, description: user.summary||null, link:user.url||"#" } } async function itemsForFeed(opts,user,feed) { var items = feed.orderedItems; if (opts.boosts){ // yes, I have to fetch all the fucking boosts for this whole feed apparently >:/ var boostData = []; var boostUrls = feed.orderedItems.filter(i=>i.type=="Announce").map(i=>i.object); // console.log(boostUrls); boostData = await promiseSome(; // now get user data for each of those let userData = await promiseSome(>d?d.attributedTo||'':null).map(apGet)); // put a ._userdata key on the item object if this is a boost for (var i = 0; i < boostData.length; i ++){ if (userData[i] && boostData[i]){ boostData[i]._userdata = userData[i]; } } // some URLs may have failed but IDGAF // console.log(boostData[0]); boostData.forEach((boostToot)=>{ if (!boostToot){// failed request return; } // inject in-place into items var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){ if (items[i].object =={ index = i; break; } } if (index == -1){ console.warn("warning: couldn't match boost to item: ",boostToot) return; } boostToot.object = boostToot;// this lets the later stage parser access object without errors :) items[i] = boostToot; }) } return items.filter((item)=>{ return typeof item.object == 'object';// handle weird cases }).map((item)=>{ var enclosures = (item.object.attachment||[]).filter((a)=>{ return a.type == "Document"; }).map((a)=>{ return {, type:a.mediaType, url:a.url } }); var op = item._userdata?item._userdata:user; return { isBoost:!!item._userdata, title:item._userdata?user.preferredUsername+' shared a status by '+op.preferredUsername:'', isReply:!!(item.object && item.object.inReplyTo), hasCw:item.object.sensitive||false, cw:item.object.summary, content: item.object&&item.object.content?item.object.content:'',//TODO sanitize then render without entity escapes atomHref:item.published?item.published.replace(/\W+/g,''):Math.random().toString().replace('.',''),// used for IDs enclosures:enclosures, stringDate:item.published?getTimeDisplay(Date.parse(item.published)):'','#', author:{ uri:op.url,// link to author page avatar:op.icon&&op.icon.url?op.icon.url:'', || op.preferredUsername, fullName:op.preferredUsername+'@'+(new URL(op.url).hostname), } } }) } function getNextPage(opts,user,feed){ //based on if (!{return null} // take, uriencode it, then take user url, then take options.mastofeedUrl var base = opts.mastofeedUrl.slice(0,opts.mastofeedUrl.indexOf('?')); var ret = '/apiv2/feed?userurl=' + encodeURIComponent(opts.userUrl) + '&feedurl=' +encodeURIComponent(; // add other params to the end (['theme','header','size','boosts','replies']).forEach((k)=>{ if (typeof opts[k] != 'undefined'){ ret+=`&${k}=${ opts[k].toString() }`; } }) return ret; } // utilities below function getTimeDisplay(d) { var d = d; if (typeof d !== 'object') { d = new Date(d); } // convert to number dt = d.getTime(); var now =; var delta = now - dt; // over 6 days ago if (delta > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6) { return isoDateToEnglish(d.toISOString()); } else { return timeAgo().format(dt); } } function isoDateToEnglish(d) { var dt = d.split(/[t\-]/ig); var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; return months[Number(dt[1]) - 1] + ' ' + dt[2] + ', ' + dt[0]; }