import Express from "express"; // v2 api import convertv2 from "./lib/convert.js"; import cors from "cors"; import errorPage from "./lib/errorPage.js"; import morgan from "morgan"; import { detector } from "megalodon"; const app = Express(); app.disable("x-powered-by"); const logger = morgan(":method :url :status via :referrer - :response-time ms"); app.use( Express.static("public", { maxAge: "1d", }) ); function doCache(res, durationSecs) { res.set({ "Cache-Control": "max-age=" + durationSecs, }); } // this just redirects to the app.options("/api/feed", cors()); app.get("/api/feed", cors(), logger, function (req, res) { // get feed url const feedUrl = req.query.url; if (!feedUrl) { res .status(400) .send(errorPage(400, "You need to specify a feed URL", null)); return; } let userUrl = ""; if (typeof feedUrl === "string") { userUrl = feedUrl.replace(/\.atom.*/i, ""); } const redirectUrl = "/api/v1/feed?"; const qs = ["userurl=" + encodeURIComponent(userUrl), "api=v1"]; ["size", "theme", "boosts", "replies"].forEach((key) => { if (typeof req.query[key] !== "undefined") { qs.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(req.query[key])); } }); res.redirect(redirectUrl + qs.join("&")); }); app.options("/api/v1/feed", cors()); app.get("/api/v1/feed", cors(), logger, async function (req, res) { // get feed url // userUrl let type = req.query.instance_type; let userUrl = req.query.userurl; if (!userUrl) { const user = req.query.user; const instance = req.query.instance; if (!type) { type = await detector(instance).catch(() => ""); } switch (type) { case "mastodon": case "pleroma": userUrl = instance + "/users/" + user; break; case "misskey": userUrl = instance + "/@" + user; break; default: res .status(400) .send(errorPage(400, "You need to specify a user URL", null)); return; } } const feedUrl = req.query.feedurl; const opts = {}; opts.size = req.query.size; opts.theme = req.query.theme; opts.theme = opts.theme.replace("auto-", `${type}-`); opts.theme ??= "auto-auto"; if (typeof req.query.header === "string") opts.header = req.query.header.toLowerCase() === "true"; if (typeof req.query.boosts === "string") opts.boosts = req.query.boosts.toLowerCase() === "true"; if (typeof req.query.replies === "string") opts.replies = req.query.replies.toLowerCase() === "true"; opts.instance_type = type; opts.userUrl = userUrl; opts.feedUrl = feedUrl; opts.mastofeedUrl = req.url; convertv2(opts) .then((data) => { doCache(res, 60 * 60); res.status(200).send(data); }) .catch((er) => { res .status(500) .send(errorPage(500, null, { theme: opts.theme, size: opts.size })); // TODO log the error console.error("error:", er, er.stack); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars app.use(function (req, res, _next) { // respond with html page if (req.accepts("html")) { res.status(404).send("Not found"); return; } // respond with json if (req.accepts("json")) { res.status(404).json({ error: "Not found" }); return; } // default to plain-text. send() res.status(404).type("txt").send("Not found"); }); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8000, "", function () { console.log("Server started, listening on " + (process.env.PORT || 8000)); });