grumbulon 3a0a8f015a
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
chore(Refactor) (#110)

Co-authored-by: Sam Therapy <>
Reviewed-on: #110
Reviewed-by: Sam <>
2022-09-24 23:11:09 +00:00

183 lines
4.9 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package cli
import (
// ParseMiscArgs parses the wildcard arguments, dig style.
// Only one command is supported at a time, so any extra information overrides previous.
func ParseMiscArgs(args []string, opts *util.Options) error {
for _, arg := range args {
r, ok := dns.StringToType[strings.ToUpper(arg)]
switch {
// If it starts with @, it's a DNS server
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "@"):
arg = arg[1:]
// Automatically set flags based on URI header
opts.Logger.Info(arg, "detected as a server")
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "tls://"):
opts.TLS = true
opts.Request.Server = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "tls://")
opts.Logger.Info("DNS-over-TLS implicitly set")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "https://"):
opts.HTTPS = true
opts.Request.Server = arg
opts.Logger.Info("DNS-over-HTTPS implicitly set")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "quic://"):
opts.QUIC = true
opts.Request.Server = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "quic://")
opts.Logger.Info("DNS-over-QUIC implicitly set.")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "sdns://"):
opts.DNSCrypt = true
opts.Request.Server = arg
opts.Logger.Info("DNSCrypt implicitly set")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "tcp://"):
opts.TCP = true
opts.Request.Server = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "tcp://")
opts.Logger.Info("TCP implicitly set")
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "udp://"):
opts.Request.Server = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "udp://")
opts.Request.Server = arg
// Dig-style +queries
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "+"):
opts.Logger.Info(arg, "detected as a dig query")
if err := ParseDig(strings.ToLower(arg[1:]), opts); err != nil {
return err
// Domain names
case strings.Contains(arg, "."):
var err error
opts.Logger.Info(arg, "detected as a domain name")
opts.Request.Name, err = idna.ToASCII(arg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unicode to punycode: %w", err)
// DNS query type
case ok:
opts.Logger.Info(arg, "detected as a type")
opts.Request.Type = r
// Domain?
var err error
opts.Logger.Info(arg, "is unknown. Assuming domain")
opts.Request.Name, err = idna.ToASCII(arg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unicode to punycode: %w", err)
// If nothing was set, set a default
if opts.Request.Name == "" {
opts.Logger.Info("Domain not specified, making a default")
opts.Request.Name = "."
if opts.Request.Type == 0 {
opts.Logger.Info("Query not specified, making an \"NS\" query")
opts.Request.Type = dns.StringToType["NS"]
} else if opts.Request.Type == 0 {
opts.Logger.Info("Query not specified, making an \"A\" query")
opts.Request.Type = dns.StringToType["A"]
if opts.Request.Server == "" {
opts.Logger.Info("Server not specified, selecting a default")
// Set "defaults" for each if there is no input
switch {
case opts.DNSCrypt:
// This is adguard
opts.Request.Server = "sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAETk0LjE0MC4xNC4xNDo1NDQzINErR_JS3PLCu_iZEIbq95zkSV2LFsigxDIuUso_OQhzIjIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZGVmYXVsdC5uczEuYWRndWFyZC5jb20"
case opts.TLS:
opts.Request.Server = ""
case opts.HTTPS:
opts.Request.Server = ""
case opts.QUIC:
opts.Request.Server = ""
var err error
resolv, err := conf.GetDNSConfig()
if err != nil {
// :^)
opts.Logger.Warn("Could not query system for server. Using localhost\n", "Error:", err)
opts.Request.Server = ""
} else {
// Make sure that if IPv4 or IPv6 is asked for it actually uses it
for _, srv := range resolv.Servers {
switch {
case opts.IPv4:
if strings.Contains(srv, ".") {
opts.Request.Server = srv
break harmful
case opts.IPv6:
if strings.Contains(srv, ":") {
opts.Request.Server = srv
break harmful
//#nosec -- This isn't used for anything secure
opts.Request.Server = resolv.Servers[rand.Intn(len(resolv.Servers))]
break harmful
opts.Logger.Info("DNS server set to", opts.Request.Server)
// Make reverse addresses proper addresses
if opts.Reverse {
var err error
opts.Logger.Info("Making reverse DNS query proper *.arpa domain")
if dns.TypeToString[opts.Request.Type] == "A" {
opts.Request.Type = dns.StringToType["PTR"]
opts.Request.Name, err = util.ReverseDNS(opts.Request.Name, opts.Request.Type)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reverse DNS: %w", err)
// if the domain is not canonical, make it canonical
if !strings.HasSuffix(opts.Request.Name, ".") {
opts.Request.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s.", opts.Request.Name)
opts.Logger.Info("Domain made canonical")
return nil