#compdef awl # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl local -a alts args [[ -prefix + ]] && args=( '*+'{no,}'tcp[use TCP instead of UDP for queries]' '*+'{no,}'ignore[ignore truncation in UDP responses]' '*+'{no,}'tls[use DNS-over-TLS for queries]' '*+'{no,}'dnscrypt[use DNSCrypt for queries]' '*+'{no,}'https[use DNS-over-HTTPS for queries]' '*+'{no,}'quic[use DNS-over-QUIC for queries]' '*+'{no,}'aaonly[set aa flag in the query]' '*+'{no,}'additional[print additional section of a reply]' '*+'{no,}'adflag[set the AD (authentic data) bit in the query]' '*+'{no,}'badcookie[retry BADCOOKIE responses]' '*+'{no,}'cdflag[set the CD (checking disabled) bit in the query]' '*+'{no,}'cookie[add a COOKIE option to the request]' '*+edns=[specify EDNS version for query]:version (0-255)' '*+noedns[clear EDNS version to be sent]' '*+ednsflags=[set EDNS flags bits]:flags' # '*+ednsopt=[specify EDNS option]:code point' '*+noedns[clear EDNS options to be sent]' '*+'{no,}'expire[send an EDNS Expire option]' # '*+'{no,}'idnin[set processing of IDN domain names on input]' '*+'{no,}'idnout[set conversion of IDN puny code on output]' '*+'{no,}'keepalive[request EDNS TCP keepalive]' '*+'{no,}'keepopen[keep TCP socket open between queries]' '*+'{no,}'recurse[set the RD (recursion desired) bit in the query]' # '*+'{no,}'nssearch[search all authoritative nameservers]' # '*+'{no,}'trace[trace delegation down from root]' # '*+'{no,}'cmd[print initial comment in output]' '*+'{no,}'short[print terse output]' '*+'{no,}'identify[print IP and port of responder]' '*+'{no,}'comments[print comment lines in output]' '*+'{no,}'stats[print statistics]' '*+padding[set padding block size]' '*+'{no,}'qr[print query as it was sent]' '*+'{no,}'question[print question section of a query]' '*+'{no,}'raflag[set RA flag in the query]' '*+'{no,}'answer[print answer section of a reply]' '*+'{no,}'authority[print authority section of a reply]' '*+'{no,}'all[set all print/display flags]' '*+'{no,}'subnet=[send EDNS client subnet option]:addr/prefix-length' '*+'{no,}'tcflag[set TC flag in the query]' '*+time=[set query timeout]:timeout (seconds) [1]' '*+timeout=[set query timeout]:timeout (seconds) [1]' '*+tries=[specify number of UDP query attempts]:tries [3]' '*+retry=[specify number of UDP query retries]:retries [2]' # '*+'{no,}'rrcomments[set display of per-record comments]' # '*+ndots=[specify number of dots to be considered absolute]:dots' '*+bufsize=[specify UDP buffer size]:size (bytes)' '*+'{no,}'dnssec[enable DNSSEC]' '*+'{no,}'nsid[include EDNS name server ID request in query]' '*+'{no,}'class[display the class whening printing the answer]' '*+'{no,}'ttlid[display the TTL whening printing the record]' '*+'{no,}'ttlunits[display the TTL in human-readable units]' # '*+'{no,}'unknownformat[print RDATA in RFC 3597 "unknown" format]' '*+'{no,}'json[present the results as JSON]' '*+'{no,}'xml[present the results as XML]' '*+'{no,}'yaml[present the results as YAML]' '*+'{no,}'zflag[set Z flag in query]' ) # TODO: Add the regular (POSIX/GNU) flags _arguments -s -C $args \ '(- *)-'{h,-help}'[display help information]' \ '(- *)-'{V,-version}'[display version information]' \ '-'{v,-verbosity}'=+[set verbosity to custom level]:verbosity:compadd -M "m\:{\-1-3}={\-1-3}" - \-1 0 1 2 3' \ '-'{v,-verbosity}'+[set verbosity to info]' \ '*-'{p,-port}'+[specify port number]:port:_ports' \ '*-'{q,-query}'+[specify host name to query]:host:_hosts' \ '*-'{c,-class}'+[specify class]:class:compadd -M "m\:{a-z}={A-Z}" - IN CS CH HS' \ '*-'{t,-qType}'+[specify type]:type:_dns_types' \ '*-4+[force IPv4 only]' \ '*-6+[force IPv6 only]' \ '*-'{x,-reverse}'+[reverse lookup]' \ '*--timeout+[timeout in seconds]:number [1]' \ '*--retries+[specify number of query retries]:number [2]' \ '*--no-edns+[disable EDNS]' \ '*--edns-ver+[specify EDNS version for query]:version (0-255) [0]' \ '*-'{D,-dnssec}'+[enable DNSSEC]' \ '*--expire+[send EDNS expire]' \ '*-'{n,-nsid}'+[include EDNS name server ID request in query]' \ '*--no-cookie+[disable sending EDNS cookie]' \ '*--keep-alive+[request EDNS TCP keepalive]' \ '*-'{b,-buffer-size}'+[specify UDP buffer size]:size (bytes) [1232]' \ '*--zflag+[set EDNS z-flag]:decimal, hex or octal [0]' \ '*--subnet+[set EDNS client subnet]:addr/prefix-length' \ '*--no-truncate+[ignore truncation in UDP responses]' \ '*--tcp+[use TCP instead of UDP for queries]' \ '*--dnscrypt+[use DNSCrypt for queries]' \ '*-'{T,-tls}'+[use DNS-over-TLS for queries]' \ '*-'{H,-https}'+[use DNS-over-HTTPS for queries]' \ '*-'{Q,-quic}'+[use DNS-over-QUIC for queries]' \ '*--tls-no-verify+[disable TLS verification]' \ '*--tls-host+[set TLS lookup hostname]:host:_hosts' \ '*-'{s,-short}'+[print terse output]' \ '*-'{j,-json}'+[present the results as JSON]' \ '*-'{X,-xml}'+[present the results as XML]' \ '*-'{y,-yaml}'+[present the results as YAML]' \ '*: :->args' && ret=0 if [[ -n $state ]]; then if compset -P @; then _wanted hosts expl 'DNS server' _hosts && ret=0; else _alternative 'hosts:host:_hosts' 'types:query type:_dns_types' && ret=0 fi fi return ret