# This should only be used for dev environments GO := go GOFLAGS := -ldflags '-s -w' PREFIX := /usr/local BINPATH = $(PREFIX)/bin .PHONY: clean doc # hehe all: awl awl: . $(GO) build -o awl $(GOFLAGS) . doc: scdoc < doc/awl.1.md > doc/awl.1 test: $(GO) test -v ./... -cover fmt: gofmt -w -s . vet: $(GO) vet ./... lint: fmt vet install: awl install awl $(BINPATH) install_doc: doc install doc/awl.1 $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 @echo "" @echo "Make sure to update your manual database" @echo "'sudo mandb' on Debian/Ubuntu" clean: $(GO) clean