awl(1) ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # NAME awl - DNS lookup tool # SYNOPSIS *awl* [ _OPTIONS_ ] _name_ [ _@server_ ] [ _type_ ], where _name_ is the query to make (example: _@server_ is the server to query (example: _type_ is the DNS resource type (example: AAAA) # DESCRIPTION *awl* (*a*wls *w*ant *l*icorice) is a simple tool designed to make DNS queries, much like the venerable *dig*(1). An awl is a tool used to make small holes, typically used in leatherworking. *awl* is designed to be a more "modern" version of *drill*(1) by including some more recent RFCs and output options. When no arguments are given, *awl* will perform an _NS_ query on the root ('_._'). When a nameserver is not given, *awl* will query a random system nameserver. If one cannot be found, *awl* will query the localhost. # OPTIONS Anything in [brackets] is optional. Many options are inherited from *dig*(1). *-D*, *--dnssec*, *+dnssec*, *+do* Enable DNSSEC. This needs to be manually enabled. *-v*[=_int_] Set verbosity Accepted values are as follows: - _0_: Only log errors. - _1_: Log warnings. *This is the default.* - _2_: Log information *Default when specifying just* _-v_. - _3_: Log information useful for debugging. Setting a value lower than 0 disables logging entirely. By default, specifying just *-v* sets the verbosity to 2 (info). *-V* Print the version and exit. *-h* Show a "short" help message. ## Query Options *-4* Only make query over IPv4 *-6* Only make query over IPv6 *-p*, *--port* *port* Sets the port to query. Default ports listed below. - _53_ for *UDP* and *TCP* - _853_ for *TLS* and *QUIC* - _443_ for *HTTPS* *-q*, *--query* _domain_ Domain to query (eg. *-c*, *--class* _class_ DNS class to query (eg. IN, CH) The default is IN. *-t*, *--qType* _type_ DNS type to query (eg. A, AAAA, NS) The default is A. *--no-truncate*, *+ignore* Ignore UDP truncation (by default, awl *retries with TCP*). *--no-bad-cookie*, *+[no]badcookie* \[Do not\] ignore BADCOOKIE responses *--tcp*, *+[no]tcp*, *+[no]vc* Use TCP for the query (see RFC 7766). *--dnscrypt*, *+[no]dnscrypt* Use DNSCrypt. *-T*, *--tls*, *+[no]tls* Use DNS-over-TLS, implies *--tcp* (see RFC 7858) *--tls-host* _string_ Set hostname to use for TLS certificate validation. Default is the name of the domain when querying over TLS, and empty for IPs. *--tls-no-verify* Ignore TLS validation when performing a DNS query. *-H*. *--https*, *+[no]https* Use DNS-over-HTTPS (see RFC 8484). *-Q*. *--quic*, *+[no]quic* Use DNS-over-QUIC (see RFC 9250). *-x*, *--reverse* Do a reverse lookup. Sets default *type* to PTR. *awl* automatically makes an IP or phone number canonical. *--timeout* _seconds_, *+timeout*=_seconds_ Set the timeout period. Floating point numbers are accepted. 0.5 seconds is the minimum. *--retries* _int_, *+tries*=_int_, *+retry*=_int_ Set the number of retries. Retry is one more than tries, dig style. ## DNS Flags *--aa*[=_bool_], *+[no]aaflag* (Set, Unset) AA (Authoritative Answer) flag. *--ad*[=_bool_], *+[no]adflag* (Set, Unset) AD (Authenticated Data) flag. *--tc*[=_bool_], *+[no]tcflag* (Set, Unset) TC (TrunCated) flag *-z*[=_bool_], *+[no]zflag* (Set, Unset) Z (Zero) flag. *--cd*[=_bool_], *+[no]cdflag* (Set, Unset) CD (Checking Disabled) flag. *--qr*[=_bool_], *+[no]qrflag* (Set, Unset) QR (QueRy) flag. *--rd*[=_bool_], *+[no]rdflag* (Set, Unset) RD (Recursion Desired) flag. *--ra*[=_bool_], *+[no]raflag* (Set, Unset) RA (Recursion Available) flag. ## EDNS All of these options except disabling EDNS imply *+edns*. *--no-edns*, *+noedns* Disable EDNS. *--edns-ver*, *+edns*[=_int_] Enable EDNS and set EDNS version. The maximum value is 255, and the minimum (default) value is 0. *--expire*. *+[no]expire* Send an EDNS Expire. *--nsid*, *+[no]nsid* Send an EDNS name server ID request. *--no-cookie*, *+[no]cookie*[=_string_] Send an EDNS cookie. This is enabled by default with a random string. *--keep-alive*, *+[no]keepalive*, *+[no]keepopen* Send an EDNS keep-alive. This does nothing unless using TCP. *--buffer-size* _int_, *+bufize*=_int_ Set the UDP message buffer size, using EDNS. Max is 65535, minimum is zero. The default value is 1232. *--zflag* _int_, *+ednsflags*=_int_ Set the must-be-zero EDNS flags. Decimal, hexadecimal and octal are supported. Trying to set DO will be ignored. *--subnet* _ip_[_/prefix_], *+[no]subnet*=_ip_[_/prefix_] Send an EDNS Client Subnet option with the specified address. Like *dig*(1), setting the IP to _0.0.0.0/0_, _::/0_ or _0_ will signal the resolver to not use any client information when returning the query. ## Output Display *--no-question*, *+[no]question* Toggle the display of the Question section. *--no-answer*, *+[no]answer* Toggle the display of the Answer section. *--no-answer*, *+[no]answer* Toggle the display of the Answer section. *--no-authority*, *+[no]authority* Toggle the display of the Authority section. *--no-additional*, *+[no]additional* Toggle the display of the Additional section. *--no-statistics*, *+[no]stats* Toggle the display of the Statistics (additional comments) section. ## Output Formats *-j*, *--json*, *+[no]json* Print the query results as JSON. *-X*, *--xml*, *+[no]xml* Print the query results as XML. *-y*, *--yaml*, *+[no]yaml* Print the query results as YAML. *-s*, *--short*, *+[no]short* Print just the address of the answer. # EXIT STATUS The exit code is 0 when a query is successfully made and received. This includes SERVFAILs, NOTIMPL among others. # EXAMPLES ``` awl -j +cd ``` Run a query of your local resolver for the A records of, print them as JSON and disable DNSSEC verification. ``` awl +short AAAA @ ``` Query for the AAAA records of, print just the answers ``` awl -xT PTR ``` Query over TLS for the PTR record to the IP address # SEE ALSO *drill*(1), *dig*(1) # STANDARDS RFC 1034,1035 (UDP), 7766 (TCP), 7858 (TLS), 8484 (HTTPS), 9230 (QUIC) Probably more, _ # BUGS Full parity with *dig*(1) is not complete. This man page is probably not complete. Likely numerous more, report them either to the tracker _ or via email _~sammefishe/