// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package cli import ( "fmt" "net" "os" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "git.froth.zone/sam/awl/internal/helpers" "git.froth.zone/sam/awl/util" "github.com/miekg/dns" flag "github.com/stefansundin/go-zflag" ) // Parse the arguments passed into awl. func ParseCLI(version string) (Options, error) { flag.CommandLine = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError) flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Println(`awl - drill, writ small Usage: awl name [@server] [record] domain, IP address, phone number defaults to A Arguments may be in any order, including flags. Dig-like +[no]commands are also supported, see dig(1) or dig -h Options:`) flag.PrintDefaults() } // CLI flag var ( port = flag.Int("port", 0, "`port` to make DNS query (default: 53 for UDP/TCP, 853 for TLS/QUIC)", flag.OptShorthand('p'), flag.OptDisablePrintDefault(true)) query = flag.String("query", "", "domain name to `query` (default: .)", flag.OptShorthand('q')) class = flag.String("class", "IN", "DNS `class` to query", flag.OptShorthand('c')) qType = flag.String("qType", "", "`type` to query (default: A)", flag.OptShorthand('t')) ipv4 = flag.Bool("4", false, "force IPv4", flag.OptShorthandStr("4")) ipv6 = flag.Bool("6", false, "force IPv6", flag.OptShorthand('6')) reverse = flag.Bool("reverse", false, "do a reverse lookup", flag.OptShorthand('x')) timeout = flag.Float32("timeout", 1, "Timeout, in `seconds`") retry = flag.Int("retries", 2, "number of `times` to retry") edns = flag.Bool("no-edns", false, "disable EDNS entirely") ednsVer = flag.Uint8("edns-ver", 0, "set EDNS version") expire = flag.Bool("expire", false, "set EDNS expire") dnssec = flag.Bool("dnssec", false, "enable DNSSEC", flag.OptShorthand('D')) nsid = flag.Bool("nsid", false, "set EDNS NSID", flag.OptShorthand('n')) cookie = flag.Bool("no-cookie", false, "disable sending EDNS cookie (default: cookie sent)") tcpKeepAlive = flag.Bool("keep-alive", false, "send EDNS TCP keep-alive") udpBufSize = flag.Uint16("buffer-size", 1232, "set EDNS UDP buffer size", flag.OptShorthand('b')) zflag = flag.String("zflag", "0", "set EDNS z-flag") subnet = flag.String("subnet", "", "set EDNS subnet") padding = flag.Bool("pad", false, "set EDNS padding") truncate = flag.Bool("no-truncate", false, "ignore truncation if a UDP request truncates (default: retry with TCP)") tcp = flag.Bool("tcp", false, "use TCP") dnscrypt = flag.Bool("dnscrypt", false, "use DNSCrypt") tls = flag.Bool("tls", false, "use DNS-over-TLS", flag.OptShorthand('T')) https = flag.Bool("https", false, "use DNS-over-HTTPS", flag.OptShorthand('H')) quic = flag.Bool("quic", false, "use DNS-over-QUIC", flag.OptShorthand('Q')) aa = flag.Bool("aa", false, "set/unset AA (Authoratative Answer) flag (default: not set)") ad = flag.Bool("ad", false, "set/unset AD (Authenticated Data) flag (default: not set)") cd = flag.Bool("cd", false, "set/unset CD (Checking Disabled) flag (default: not set)") qr = flag.Bool("qr", false, "set/unset QR (QueRy) flag (default: not set)") rd = flag.Bool("rd", true, "set/unset RD (Recursion Desired) flag (default: set)", flag.OptDisablePrintDefault(true)) ra = flag.Bool("ra", false, "set/unset RA (Recursion Available) flag (default: not set)") tc = flag.Bool("tc", false, "set/unset TC (TrunCated) flag (default: not set)") z = flag.Bool("z", false, "set/unset Z (Zero) flag (default: not set)", flag.OptShorthand('z')) short = flag.Bool("short", false, "print just the results", flag.OptShorthand('s')) json = flag.Bool("json", false, "print the result(s) as JSON", flag.OptShorthand('j')) xml = flag.Bool("xml", false, "print the result(s) as XML", flag.OptShorthand('X')) yaml = flag.Bool("yaml", false, "print the result(s) as yaml", flag.OptShorthand('y')) noC = flag.Bool("no-comments", false, "disable printing the comments") noQ = flag.Bool("no-question", false, "disable printing the question section") noOpt = flag.Bool("no-opt", false, "disable printing the OPT pseudosection") noAns = flag.Bool("no-answer", false, "disable printing the answer section") noAuth = flag.Bool("no-authority", false, "disable printing the authority section") noAdd = flag.Bool("no-additional", false, "disable printing the additonal section") noStats = flag.Bool("no-statistics", false, "disable printing the statistics section") verbosity = flag.Int("verbosity", 1, "sets verbosity `level`", flag.OptShorthand('v'), flag.OptNoOptDefVal("2")) versionFlag = flag.Bool("version", false, "print version information", flag.OptShorthand('V')) ) // Don't sort the flags when -h is given flag.CommandLine.SortFlags = false // Parse the flags err := flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:]) if err != nil { return Options{Logger: util.InitLogger(*verbosity)}, err } // TODO: DRY, dumb dumb. mbz, err := strconv.ParseInt(*zflag, 0, 16) if err != nil { return Options{Logger: util.InitLogger(*verbosity)}, err } opts := Options{ Logger: util.InitLogger(*verbosity), Port: *port, IPv4: *ipv4, IPv6: *ipv6, Short: *short, TCP: *tcp, DNSCrypt: *dnscrypt, TLS: *tls, HTTPS: *https, QUIC: *quic, Truncate: *truncate, ShowQuery: false, AA: *aa, AD: *ad, TC: *tc, Z: *z, CD: *cd, QR: *qr, RD: *rd, RA: *ra, Reverse: *reverse, HumanTTL: false, ShowTTL: true, JSON: *json, XML: *xml, YAML: *yaml, Request: helpers.Request{ Type: dns.StringToType[strings.ToUpper(*qType)], Class: dns.StringToClass[strings.ToUpper(*class)], Name: *query, Timeout: time.Duration(*timeout * float32(time.Second)), Retries: *retry, }, Display: Displays{ Comments: !*noC, Question: !*noQ, Opt: !*noOpt, Answer: !*noAns, Authority: !*noAuth, Additional: !*noAdd, Statistics: !*noStats, }, EDNS: EDNS{ EnableEDNS: !*edns, Cookie: !*cookie, DNSSEC: *dnssec, BufSize: *udpBufSize, Version: *ednsVer, Expire: *expire, KeepOpen: *tcpKeepAlive, Nsid: *nsid, ZFlag: uint16(mbz & 0x7FFF), Padding: *padding, }, } // TODO: DRY if *subnet != "" { ip, inet, err := net.ParseCIDR(*subnet) if err != nil { // TODO: make not a default? if *subnet == "0" { opts.EDNS.Subnet = dns.EDNS0_SUBNET{ Code: dns.EDNS0SUBNET, Family: 1, SourceNetmask: 0, SourceScope: 0, Address: net.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0), } } else { return Options{Logger: util.InitLogger(*verbosity)}, err } } else { sub, _ := inet.Mask.Size() opts.EDNS.Subnet = *new(dns.EDNS0_SUBNET) opts.EDNS.Subnet.Address = ip opts.EDNS.Subnet.SourceNetmask = uint8(sub) switch ip.To4() { case nil: // Not a valid IPv4 so assume IPv6 opts.EDNS.Subnet.Family = 2 default: // Valid IPv4 opts.EDNS.Subnet.Family = 1 } } } opts.Logger.Info("POSIX flags parsed") opts.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", opts)) if *versionFlag { fmt.Printf("awl version %s, built with %s\n", version, runtime.Version()) return opts, ErrNotError } // Parse all the arguments that don't start with - or -- // This includes the dig-style (+) options err = ParseMiscArgs(flag.Args(), &opts) if err != nil { return opts, err } opts.Logger.Info("Dig/Drill flags parsed") opts.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", opts)) if opts.Port == 0 { if opts.TLS || opts.QUIC { opts.Port = 853 } else { opts.Port = 53 } } opts.Logger.Info("Port set to", opts.Port) // Set timeout to 0.5 seconds if set below 0.5 if opts.Request.Timeout < (time.Second / 2) { opts.Request.Timeout = (time.Second / 2) } if opts.Request.Retries < 0 { opts.Request.Retries = 0 } return opts, nil }