[SKIP CI] misc: makefile refactoring (#100)

Mainly making it so that it doesn't always run tests when making coverage

Also, making it more cross platform and less splintered is nice.

Co-authored-by: Sam Therapy <sam@samtherapy.net>
Reviewed-on: #100
This commit is contained in:
Sam Therapy 2022-09-16 23:38:46 +00:00
parent 8df0347891
commit 933967016f
4 changed files with 17 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ else
EXE := $(PROG)
doc/$(PROG).1: doc/$(PROG).1.scd
$(SCDOC) <$< >$@
doc/wiki/$(PROG).1.md: doc/$(PROG).1
pandoc --from man --to gfm -o $@ $<
## install: installs awl
.PHONY: install
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)

View File

@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ include template.mk
EXE := $(PROG)
doc/$(PROG).1: doc/$(PROG).1.scd
$(SCDOC) <doc/$(PROG).1.scd >$@
doc/wiki/$(PROG).1.md: doc/$(PROG).1
pandoc --from man --to gfm -o $@ doc/$(PROG).1
## install: installs awl
.PHONY: install
install: all

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $PROG:
$GO install $GOFLAGS .
cp doc/$PROG.1 /sys/man/1/$PROG
# cp doc/$PROG.1 /sys/man/1/$PROG
$GO test -v -cover ./...

View File

@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ all: $(PROG) doc/$(PROG).1
$(GO) build -o $(EXE) $(GOFLAGS) .
doc/$(PROG).1: doc/$(PROG).1.scd
$(SCDOC) <$? >$@
doc/wiki/$(PROG).1.md: doc/$(PROG).1
pandoc --from man --to gfm -o $@ $?
## update_doc: update documentation (requires pandoc)
update_doc: doc/wiki/$(PROG).1.md
@ -44,9 +50,12 @@ vet:
lint: fmt vet
golangci-lint run --fix
coverage/coverage.out: $(TEST_SOURCES)
$(TEST) -coverprofile=$@ ./...
.PHONY: test
## test: run go test
$(TEST) -v -coverprofile=coverage/coverage.out ./...
test: coverage/coverage.out
.PHONY: test-ci
@ -66,12 +75,12 @@ fuzz-ci: $(TEST_SOURCES)
.PHONY: full_test
full_test: test fuzz
coverage/coverage.out: test
$(COVER) -func=$@
$(COVER) -html=$@ -o coverage/cover.html
coverage/cover.html: coverage/coverage.out
$(COVER) -func=$?
$(COVER) -html=$? -o $@
## cover: generates test coverage, output as HTML
cover: coverage/coverage.out
cover: coverage/cover.html
## clean: clean the build files
.PHONY: clean
@ -79,6 +88,7 @@ clean:
$(GO) clean
# Ignore errors if you remove something that doesn't exist
rm -f doc/$(PROG).1
rm -f coverage/cover*
## help: Prints this help message
.PHONY: help