:console is used to send logs to stdout, {ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger} to log to syslog, and Quack.Logger to log to Slack
-The level to be logged by this backend. Note that messages are filtered by the general - :level configuration for the :logger application first.
-The format message used to print logs.
-The device to log error messages to. Defaults to :user - but can be changed to something else such as :standard_error
-Maximum events to buffer while waiting for a confirmation from the IO device (default: 32). Once the buffer is full, the backend will block until a confirmation is received.
-Defaults to: :cyan
-Defaults to: :normal
-Defaults to: :yellow
-Defaults to: :red
-Logging level. It defaults to :info.
-The format message used to print logs.
-Formatter that will be used to format the log. It default to Logger.Formatter
-A string that’s prepended to every message, and is typically set to the app name. It defaults to Elixir
-Syslog facility to be used. It defaults to :local0
-Syslog option to be used. It defaults to :ndelay.
-Logging level. It defaults to :info.