using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Converters; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Models; using BirdsiteLive.Common.Regexes; using BirdsiteLive.Common.Settings; using BirdsiteLive.Cryptography; using BirdsiteLive.DAL.Contracts; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.BusinessUseCases; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Repository; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Statistics; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Tools; using BirdsiteLive.Twitter; using BirdsiteLive.Twitter.Models; using Tweetinvi.Core.Exceptions; using Tweetinvi.Models; namespace BirdsiteLive.Domain { public interface IUserService { Actor GetUser(TwitterUser twitterUser); Task FollowRequestedAsync( string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityFollow activity, string body ); Task UndoFollowRequestedAsync( string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityUndoFollow activity, string body ); Task SendRejectFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost); } public class UserService : IUserService { private readonly IProcessFollowUser _processFollowUser; private readonly IProcessUndoFollowUser _processUndoFollowUser; private readonly InstanceSettings _instanceSettings; private readonly ICryptoService _cryptoService; private readonly IActivityPubService _activityPubService; private readonly IStatusExtractor _statusExtractor; private readonly IExtractionStatisticsHandler _statisticsHandler; private readonly ITwitterUserService _twitterUserService; private readonly IModerationRepository _moderationRepository; private readonly IFollowersDal _followerDal; #region Ctor public UserService( InstanceSettings instanceSettings, ICryptoService cryptoService, IActivityPubService activityPubService, IProcessFollowUser processFollowUser, IProcessUndoFollowUser processUndoFollowUser, IStatusExtractor statusExtractor, IExtractionStatisticsHandler statisticsHandler, ITwitterUserService twitterUserService, IModerationRepository moderationRepository, IFollowersDal followerDal ) { _instanceSettings = instanceSettings; _cryptoService = cryptoService; _activityPubService = activityPubService; _processFollowUser = processFollowUser; _processUndoFollowUser = processUndoFollowUser; _statusExtractor = statusExtractor; _statisticsHandler = statisticsHandler; _twitterUserService = twitterUserService; _moderationRepository = moderationRepository; _followerDal = followerDal; } #endregion public Actor GetUser(TwitterUser twitterUser) { var actorUrl = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, twitterUser.Acct); var acct = twitterUser.Acct.ToLowerInvariant(); // Extract links, mentions, etc var description = twitterUser.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { var extracted = _statusExtractor.Extract( description, _instanceSettings.ResolveMentionsInProfiles ); description = extracted.content; _statisticsHandler.ExtractedDescription( extracted.tags.Count(x => x.type == "Mention") ); } var attachments = new List(); attachments.Add( new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = _instanceSettings.TwitterDomainLabel != "" ? _instanceSettings.TwitterDomainLabel : _instanceSettings.TwitterDomain, value = $"https://{_instanceSettings.TwitterDomain}/{acct}" } ); if (_instanceSettings.TwitterDomain != "") { attachments.Add( new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = "Twitter", value = $"{acct}" } ); } if (_instanceSettings.ShowAboutInstanceOnProfiles) { attachments.Add( new UserAttachment { type = "PropertyValue", name = $"About {_instanceSettings.Name}", value = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}/About" } ); } var user = new Actor { id = actorUrl, type = "Service", followers = $"{actorUrl}/followers", preferredUsername = acct, name = twitterUser.Name, inbox = $"{actorUrl}/inbox", summary = description, url = actorUrl, manuallyApprovesFollowers = twitterUser.Protected, publicKey = new PublicKey() { id = $"{actorUrl}#main-key", owner = actorUrl, publicKeyPem = _cryptoService.GetUserPem(acct) }, icon = new Image { mediaType = "image/jpeg", url = twitterUser.ProfileImageUrl }, image = new Image { mediaType = "image/jpeg", url = twitterUser.ProfileBannerURL }, attachment = attachments.ToArray(), endpoints = new EndPoints { sharedInbox = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}/inbox" } }; if (twitterUser.Verified) { user.tag = new List { new Tag { icon = new TagResource { type = "Image", url = "https://" + _instanceSettings.Domain + "/verified.png" }, id = "https://" + _instanceSettings.Domain + "/verified.png", name = ":verified:", type = "Emoji" } }; += " :verified:"; } return user; } public async Task FollowRequestedAsync( string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityFollow activity, string body ) { // Validate var sigValidation = await ValidateSignature(, signature, method, path, queryString, requestHeaders, body ); if (!sigValidation.SignatureIsValidated) return false; // Prepare data var followerUserName = sigValidation.User.preferredUsername.ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); var followerHost = sigValidation.User.url .Replace("https://", string.Empty) .Split('/') .First(); var followerInbox = sigValidation.User.inbox; var followerSharedInbox = sigValidation.User?.endpoints?.sharedInbox; var twitterUser = activity.apObject .Split('/') .Last() .Replace("@", string.Empty) .ToLowerInvariant() .Trim(); // Make sure to only keep routes followerInbox = OnlyKeepRoute(followerInbox, followerHost); followerSharedInbox = OnlyKeepRoute(followerSharedInbox, followerHost); // Validate Moderation status var followerModPolicy = _moderationRepository.GetModerationType( ModerationEntityTypeEnum.Follower ); if (followerModPolicy != ModerationTypeEnum.None) { var followerStatus = _moderationRepository.CheckStatus( ModerationEntityTypeEnum.Follower, $"@{followerUserName}@{followerHost}" ); if ( followerModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.WhiteListing && followerStatus != ModeratedTypeEnum.WhiteListed || followerModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.BlackListing && followerStatus == ModeratedTypeEnum.BlackListed ) return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } // Validate TwitterAccount status var twitterAccountModPolicy = _moderationRepository.GetModerationType( ModerationEntityTypeEnum.TwitterAccount ); if (twitterAccountModPolicy != ModerationTypeEnum.None) { var twitterUserStatus = _moderationRepository.CheckStatus( ModerationEntityTypeEnum.TwitterAccount, twitterUser ); if ( twitterAccountModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.WhiteListing && twitterUserStatus != ModeratedTypeEnum.WhiteListed || twitterAccountModPolicy == ModerationTypeEnum.BlackListing && twitterUserStatus == ModeratedTypeEnum.BlackListed ) return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } // Validate follower count < MaxFollowsPerUser if (_instanceSettings.MaxFollowsPerUser > 0) { var follower = await _followerDal.GetFollowerAsync(followerUserName, followerHost); if ( follower != null && follower.Followings.Count + 1 > _instanceSettings.MaxFollowsPerUser ) { return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } } // Validate User Protected var user = _twitterUserService.GetUser(twitterUser); if (!user.Protected) { // Execute await _processFollowUser.ExecuteAsync( followerUserName, followerHost, twitterUser, followerInbox, followerSharedInbox, ); return await SendAcceptFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } else { return await SendRejectFollowAsync(activity, followerHost); } } private async Task SendAcceptFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost) { var acceptFollow = new ActivityAcceptFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject}#accepts/follows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Accept", actor = activity.apObject, apObject = new ActivityFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync( acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject ); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } public async Task SendRejectFollowAsync(ActivityFollow activity, string followerHost) { var acceptFollow = new ActivityRejectFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject}#rejects/follows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Reject", actor = activity.apObject, apObject = new ActivityFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync( acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject ); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } private string OnlyKeepRoute(string inbox, string host) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inbox)) return null; if (inbox.Contains(host)) inbox = inbox.Split(new[] { host }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last(); return inbox; } public async Task UndoFollowRequestedAsync( string signature, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, ActivityUndoFollow activity, string body ) { // Validate var sigValidation = await ValidateSignature(, signature, method, path, queryString, requestHeaders, body ); if (!sigValidation.SignatureIsValidated) return false; // Save Follow in DB var followerUserName = sigValidation.User.preferredUsername.ToLowerInvariant(); var followerHost = sigValidation.User.url .Replace("https://", string.Empty) .Split('/') .First(); //var followerInbox = sigValidation.User.inbox; var twitterUser = activity.apObject.apObject .Split('/') .Last() .Replace("@", string.Empty); await _processUndoFollowUser.ExecuteAsync(followerUserName, followerHost, twitterUser); // Send Accept Activity var acceptFollow = new ActivityAcceptUndoFollow() { context = "", id = $"{activity.apObject.apObject}#accepts/undofollows/{Guid.NewGuid()}", type = "Accept", actor = activity.apObject.apObject, apObject = new ActivityUndoFollow() { id =, type = activity.type, actor =, apObject = activity.apObject } }; var result = await _activityPubService.PostDataAsync( acceptFollow, followerHost, activity.apObject.apObject ); return result == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || result == HttpStatusCode.OK; //TODO: revamp this for better error handling } private async Task ValidateSignature( string actor, string rawSig, string method, string path, string queryString, Dictionary requestHeaders, string body ) { //Check Date Validity var date = requestHeaders["date"]; var d = DateTime.Parse(date).ToUniversalTime(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var delta = Math.Abs((d - now).TotalSeconds); if (delta > 30) return new SignatureValidationResult { SignatureIsValidated = false }; //Check Digest var digest = requestHeaders["digest"]; var digestHash = digest .Split(new[] { "SHA-256=" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .LastOrDefault(); var calculatedDigestHash = _cryptoService.ComputeSha256Hash(body); if (digestHash != calculatedDigestHash) return new SignatureValidationResult { SignatureIsValidated = false }; //Check Signature var signatures = rawSig.Split(','); var signature_header = new Dictionary(); foreach (var signature in signatures) { var m = HeaderRegexes.HeaderSignature.Match(signature); signature_header.Add(m.Groups[1].ToString(), m.Groups[2].ToString()); } var key_id = signature_header["keyId"]; var headers = signature_header["headers"]; var algorithm = signature_header["algorithm"]; var sig = Convert.FromBase64String(signature_header["signature"]); // Retrieve User var remoteUser = await _activityPubService.GetUser(actor); // Prepare Key data var toDecode = remoteUser.publicKey.publicKeyPem .Trim() .Remove(0, remoteUser.publicKey.publicKeyPem.IndexOf('\n')); toDecode = toDecode.Remove(toDecode.LastIndexOf('\n')).Replace("\n", ""); var signKey = ASN1.ToRSA(Convert.FromBase64String(toDecode)); var toSign = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var headerKey in headers.Split(' ')) { if (headerKey == "(request-target)") toSign.Append($"(request-target): {method.ToLower()} {path}{queryString}\n"); else toSign.Append($"{headerKey}: {string.Join(", ", requestHeaders[headerKey])}\n"); } toSign.Remove(toSign.Length - 1, 1); // Import key var key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); var rsaKeyInfo = key.ExportParameters(false); rsaKeyInfo.Modulus = Convert.FromBase64String(toDecode); key.ImportParameters(rsaKeyInfo); // Trust and Verify var result = signKey.VerifyData( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toSign.ToString()), sig, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1 ); return new SignatureValidationResult() { SignatureIsValidated = result, User = remoteUser }; } } public class SignatureValidationResult { public bool SignatureIsValidated { get; set; } public Actor User { get; set; } } }