using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BirdsiteLive.DAL.Contracts; using BirdsiteLive.DAL.Models; using BirdsiteLive.Moderation.Actions; using BSLManager.Domain; using BSLManager.Tools; using Terminal.Gui; namespace BSLManager { public class App { private readonly IFollowersDal _followersDal; private readonly IRemoveFollowerAction _removeFollowerAction; private readonly FollowersListState _state = new FollowersListState(); #region Ctor public App(IFollowersDal followersDal, IRemoveFollowerAction removeFollowerAction) { _followersDal = followersDal; _removeFollowerAction = removeFollowerAction; } #endregion public void Run() { Application.Init(); var top = Application.Top; // Creates the top-level window to show var win = new Window("BSL Manager") { X = 0, Y = 1, // Leave one row for the toplevel menu // By using Dim.Fill(), it will automatically resize without manual intervention Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; top.Add(win); // Creates a menubar, the item "New" has a help menu. var menu = new MenuBar( new MenuBarItem[] { new MenuBarItem( "_File", new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem( "_Quit", "", () => { if (Quit()) top.Running = false; } ) } ), //new MenuBarItem ("_Edit", new MenuItem [] { // new MenuItem ("_Copy", "", null), // new MenuItem ("C_ut", "", null), // new MenuItem ("_Paste", "", null) //}) } ); top.Add(menu); static bool Quit() { var n = MessageBox.Query( 50, 7, "Quit BSL Manager", "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Yes", "No" ); return n == 0; } RetrieveUserList(); var list = new ListView(_state.GetDisplayableList()) { X = 1, Y = 3, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; list.KeyDown += _ => { if (_.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Enter) { OpenFollowerDialog(list.SelectedItem); } else if ( _.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Delete || _.KeyEvent.Key == Key.DeleteChar || _.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Backspace || _.KeyEvent.Key == Key.D ) { OpenDeleteDialog(list.SelectedItem); } }; var listingFollowersLabel = new Label(1, 0, "Listing followers"); var filterLabel = new Label("Filter: ") { X = 1, Y = 1 }; var filterText = new TextField("") { X = Pos.Right(filterLabel), Y = 1, Width = 40 }; filterText.KeyDown += _ => { var text = filterText.Text.ToString(); if (_.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Enter && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { _state.FilterBy(text); ConsoleGui.RefreshUI(); } }; win.Add(listingFollowersLabel, filterLabel, filterText, list); Application.Run(); } private void OpenFollowerDialog(int selectedIndex) { var close = new Button(3, 14, "Close"); close.Clicked += () => Application.RequestStop(); var dialog = new Dialog("Info", 60, 18, close); var follower = _state.GetElementAt(selectedIndex); var name = new Label($"User: @{follower.Acct}@{follower.Host}") { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; var following = new Label($"Following Count: {follower.Followings.Count}") { X = 1, Y = 3, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; var errors = new Label($"Posting Errors: {follower.PostingErrorCount}") { X = 1, Y = 4, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; var inbox = new Label($"Inbox: {follower.InboxRoute}") { X = 1, Y = 5, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; var sharedInbox = new Label($"Shared Inbox: {follower.SharedInboxRoute}") { X = 1, Y = 6, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; dialog.Add(name); dialog.Add(following); dialog.Add(errors); dialog.Add(inbox); dialog.Add(sharedInbox); dialog.Add(close); Application.Run(dialog); } private void OpenDeleteDialog(int selectedIndex) { bool okpressed = false; var ok = new Button(10, 14, "Yes"); ok.Clicked += () => { Application.RequestStop(); okpressed = true; }; var cancel = new Button(3, 14, "No"); cancel.Clicked += () => Application.RequestStop(); var dialog = new Dialog("Delete", 60, 18, cancel, ok); var follower = _state.GetElementAt(selectedIndex); var name = new Label($"User: @{follower.Acct}@{follower.Host}") { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; var entry = new Label("Delete user and remove all their followings?") { X = 1, Y = 3, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; dialog.Add(name); dialog.Add(entry); Application.Run(dialog); if (okpressed) { DeleteAndRemoveUser(selectedIndex); } } private void DeleteAndRemoveUser(int el) { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(async () => { try { var userToDelete = _state.GetElementAt(el); BasicLogger.Log($"Delete {userToDelete.Acct}@{userToDelete.Host}"); await _removeFollowerAction.ProcessAsync(userToDelete); BasicLogger.Log($"Remove user from list"); _state.RemoveAt(el); } catch (Exception e) { BasicLogger.Log(e.Message); } ConsoleGui.RefreshUI(); }); } private void RetrieveUserList() { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(async () => { var followers = await _followersDal.GetAllFollowersAsync(); _state.Load(followers.ToList()); ConsoleGui.RefreshUI(); }); } } }