using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Converters; using BirdsiteLive.ActivityPub.Models; using BirdsiteLive.Common.Settings; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Repository; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Statistics; using BirdsiteLive.Domain.Tools; using BirdsiteLive.Twitter.Models; namespace BirdsiteLive.Domain { public interface IStatusService { Note GetStatus(string username, ExtractedTweet tweet); ActivityCreateNote GetActivity(string username, ExtractedTweet tweet); } public class StatusService : IStatusService { private readonly InstanceSettings _instanceSettings; private readonly IStatusExtractor _statusExtractor; private readonly IExtractionStatisticsHandler _statisticsHandler; #region Ctor public StatusService(InstanceSettings instanceSettings, IStatusExtractor statusExtractor, IExtractionStatisticsHandler statisticsHandler) { _instanceSettings = instanceSettings; _statusExtractor = statusExtractor; _statisticsHandler = statisticsHandler; } #endregion public Note GetStatus(string username, ExtractedTweet tweet) { var actorUrl = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username); var noteUrl = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username, tweet.Id.ToString()); String announceId = null; if (tweet.IsRetweet) { actorUrl = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, tweet.OriginalAuthor.Acct); noteUrl = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, tweet.OriginalAuthor.Acct, tweet.RetweetId.ToString()); announceId = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username, tweet.Id.ToString()); } var to = $"{actorUrl}/followers"; var cc = new string[0]; string summary = null; var extractedTags = _statusExtractor.Extract(tweet.MessageContent); _statisticsHandler.ExtractedStatus(extractedTags.tags.Count(x => x.type == "Mention")); // Replace RT by a link var content = extractedTags.content; if (tweet.IsRetweet) { // content = "RT: " + content; cc = new[] {""}; } cc = new[] {""}; string inReplyTo = null; if (tweet.InReplyToStatusId != default) inReplyTo = $"https://{_instanceSettings.Domain}/users/{tweet.InReplyToAccount.ToLowerInvariant()}/statuses/{tweet.InReplyToStatusId}"; if (tweet.QuoteTweetUrl != null) content += $@"

RT: {tweet.QuoteTweetUrl}
"; var note = new Note { id = noteUrl, announceId = announceId, published = tweet.CreatedAt.ToString("s") + "Z", url = noteUrl, attributedTo = actorUrl, inReplyTo = inReplyTo, to = new[] { to }, cc = cc, sensitive = false, summary = summary, content = $"


", attachment = Convert(tweet.Media), tag = extractedTags.tags, quoteUrl = tweet.QuoteTweetUrl }; return note; } public ActivityCreateNote GetActivity(string username, ExtractedTweet tweet) { var note = GetStatus(username, tweet); var actor = UrlFactory.GetActorUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username); String noteUri; string activityType; if (tweet.IsRetweet) { noteUri = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username, tweet.Id.ToString()); activityType = "Announce"; } else { noteUri = UrlFactory.GetNoteUrl(_instanceSettings.Domain, username, tweet.Id.ToString()); activityType = "Create"; } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var nowString = now.ToString("s") + "Z"; var noteActivity = new ActivityCreateNote() { context = "", id = $"{noteUri}/activity", type = activityType, actor = actor, published = nowString, to = new[] {$"{actor}/followers"}, cc =, apObject = note }; return noteActivity; } private Attachment[] Convert(ExtractedMedia[] media) { if(media == null) return new Attachment[0]; return media.Select(x => { return new Attachment { type = "Document", url = x.Url, mediaType = x.MediaType }; }).ToArray(); } } }