# playper Playlist converter from different formats. Rosetta Stone for musical Playlists. # TODO - [ ] Build connectors to services - [ ] Youtube - [ ] Spotify - [ ] Create list logic with metadata (in memory or write to file) - [ ] First version is going to be terminal only no need to authentication and it maybe ephimeral meaning the playlist changed won't be stored, it will only swap or appear in a different platform - [ ] Authentication service (not necesary) - [ ] Database management - [ ] GUI - [ ] We have the Spotify JSON we can use that for playing for now - [ ] Convert it to Array/List - [ ] Save it as XSPF - [ ] Save it as m3u - [ ] Send it to Youtube - [ ] Send it to last.fm - [ ] Send it to libre.fm - [ ] Send it to music.brainz - [ ] Play with the metadata so we have a solid list