2023-02-12 15:48:36 -06:00

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A dream, “The elixir of the sun” #dreamjournal
Me and my buddies a group of hackers were doing a series of scams, not to people but directly to banks, when they were getting the printed money from ????? We tricked the convoy to give it to us digitally, after some unseen heists we were basically rich, and for whatever reason we were just chilling at my home some day, but it looked vastly different. It had a wood door made of little pieces of wood all of them snitched together that gave to a room with two beds with a cabinet in the middle and an old TV to the opposite side of it, just hanging around on top, it was really small, and it was one of those that weren't flat. Outside the room there were a couple of desktops, a dinner table and then a passage to the exit. On the table there were two vials that seemed as one, or rather they were detachable, one part of the vial was filled with a clear liquid that seemed like water, the other one were some light fibers that shine in contact with the water when joining the parts of the vial.
There were two girls, and 3, or I think 4 guys including me, a girl and a guy were a couple they were laying in one bed. There was some guy on the other bed, and we were like counting the money we had, we were planning for a next hit and then maybe retire for a while, the two of us were talking about that in the room, then we got notice one of the girls and maybe the last friend was coming up, and they did arrive shortly, they had their vials and took them off the table, my friend went to explain to the girl how they worked, or really I am not sure, but he was going to talk to her, and we were all on drugs now or planning to trip, everyone in that room was ready or already on some drug, I stayed there and laid down in the bed because I was feeling comfortable, and I just drank a bit of the vial (it was pure liquid LSD). Then I see my buddy coming in, and he is all fired up ready to party and drinks from the vial as if it were alcohol, he almost finished it all (and that's bad because it is somewhat related to all the money we have collected), and then he wants to give me some of his vial also as if it were alcohol and I decline it, but I think I end up drinking some accidentally nonetheless, I get a bit angry or annoyed rather and make him realise he just drank like half a liter of LSD, and he just stands there grasping on what he just did, and the implications of it.
Since I also did take some and was quite a high amount I decided to go out, plus also my dad or someone arrived to the house that was supposed to be alone, so I went out through the window and ran to the backyard, in there I was starting to feel the energy, but it wasn't like acid works *in real life*, what I felt was more *real* in the sense that it was palpable energy, like a raise of mana if we were in a magical world, rise of power and strength but in a purely energetic sense. Shortly after one of the friends met up with me, I think the one with the girlfriend on the other bed, and we were just seeing and expecting to what would happen, then as I was feeling all strong and with will and even a bit frantic or crazy.. I saw Saturn in the sky, it wasn't night, it was completely blue, but I didn't really see the sun even tho there was light, maybe it was somewhere else, at any rate I pulled Saturn and played it like a ball in the sky with my hands and my mind it was as if I was holding it with a laso or a tube, it seemed like that, that was the apparent movement, but there was no such thing, and I was just testing my powers, I felt invigorated shortly after, my friend however was a bit scared of my limits and told me to stop or well we didn't talk, but we both knew that if I kept playing like that with the planet we would attract the aliens to ours, since there would be a power here they would be interested in.
And they seemed to be interested indeed, since not long after I returned Saturn to its place some object crashed or landed in some place in the middle of the forest, so I got out of my home and set foot to it, my friend tried to stop me, but he couldn't, I was inebriated with that feeling of invincibility and curiosity. It was a road made of dirt, what I crossed and walked on the passage from sparse houses slowly converted into a desert a prairie and finally shaped into a deep and dark forest, filled with the largest trees sequoia like but also looking like pines, they were very tall, but their wood wasn't of a light brown but a dark one, I did never reach the crash however, but I noticed this was the forest I have dreamed before, not deep in the center like when I encounter myself most of the time but the outskirts of it.
Then I noticed something else, the light, there was a light behind me, seemed like the sun, but I don't think it was the sun, it weakened me, I was falling to the ground, but I didn't, I managed to barely stand with my arms and my knees, but my body was getting weaker and weaker, it wasn't taking something from me, but it was burning me, burning that body like the sun of a desert would do, and it didn't have a voice, but it said that *you have lost the truth (or the real)* but every time I felt the waves of burning through me and in my back I started getting stronger again, I was rising up until my whole body was completely made of a yellowish light, and I saw that the thing keeping me up was a sword I previously didn't have or wasn't carrying, I was leaning my weight in its unbreakable metal and crystals, and it was a pillar to keep me up and then once I was I all lighted up I carried it and hold it as mine.
The orb, the light disappeared, there was nothing, and I was back in my yard, I went to the front door of my house, and it was open, my father was inside and coming out of it, I told him with a smile on my face I got the sword back.