2023-02-12 15:54:07 -06:00

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A dream "The penguin and the cycling princess" #dreamjournal
I dreamed way mor but what I remember the most is this last bit.
I was in a bus that goes into my town, its service of public transport, it was night and he had a very very bright light for lamp, the blinding type. So it kinda fucker with everyone that saw it, it was very annoying, I was in the back of the bus with a chick of fedi I will not say who we were pretty much chilling until we noticed commotion in the front and the rest of the bus, there was some cyclists in front of the bus that didn't let it move past it, and the cyclists was very slow compared to the bus, the bus driver started to turn off and on its light to notice it but the cyclist didn't gave a fuck, or more than that it wasn't even receptive to it, the cyclist also had a blinding ligth on his bike, and then something in the driver changed or he remembered something and stopped using the brightest light but started using one that was barely seen, it was like if he became conscious about how annoying it was his light. For me this was cool but odd so I decide to investigate this cyclist, I get out of the bus and get into my bike that just kinda appears, all in the move.
Next thing I know I am cycling along the mysterious cyclist and it seems just to be a guy in a race, and I am now to in this race, it seems to be about a circuit around the town but it is actually whoever reaches a destination or point wins, this dude seemed normal at first so I don't bother with him and keep pushing forward and faster, I met a lot of others including fedi people I pass by them, not hard feelings attached, and it is kinda chill until I reach the last part of the racetrack, in here I seem to be the first and victory is afoot, however the first dude from before tags along me and doesn't let me go any faster its like he were limiting me somehow and he puts himself just aside from me, maybe I am still a bit ahead, I don't like it at all but I didn't realize I had been handicap in this way so I was trying and trying to go faster with no result. As we keep moving more people tag along us, a lot of fedi people include it, all under his spell, so it creates a massive crowd of cyclists that shouldn't be that together at all, they are too close prone to stumble upon one another and making a mess, but oddly enough this isn't happening everyone maybe with the sligh exception of me and some others is driving/cycling like in perfect coordination, then a chant is started to be heard, everyone is praising and calling his name, geranibro, genaro, gonaro, I don't remember exactly now, but it makes me realize he made them all like zombies with no will of their own, so they can't control their bikes nor their actions, they are now his, there are a bit of other people that realize this and struggle to bike, one of this people is the fedi gal from the bus now also cycling, maybe he was with me all the way upon here but I didn't realize.
We are quite close to the ending line now, I won't let all people arund me become mindless zombies even tho this dude is still letting me win, I give one last look and smile to the girl and jump to the genaribro bike taking us both from the competition, everyone passes by us now on the ground as as they pass the spell is lifted, me and geranibro stay there he lays defeted I remain with a bittersweet victory.
There is an epilogue to the dream when Gunther from adventure time seems to have been the winner on the race and he is like in a throne in a moon with a sight directly to space, there is the fedigirl trying to reason with the retarded devilish penguin but with no success, she offers him choices or ways to proceed in any given matter like in a council but the small mf just breaks all glasses he sees. The girl as she ended second she is like second in command, and as as the penguin is a penguin unable of reason he makes no decisions, the girl the actual Queen of the galaxy. The penguin however as he doesn't care about anything just lets everyone do their own so in this sense at least freedom is guaranteed.