Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest, Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! -- Stevenson, "Treasure Island"
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<meta itemprop="description" content="My mind completely in blank. The white cascade, waterfall made ice, flow of ideas stop, but yet chaos lies dormant within, I see it because it exists and I am writing this, a lesson, yet another, to be learn, follow your impulses, follow the stream, when you feel like writing, when you feel like doing literally anything, just fucking do it. Embrace the moment, embrace the present as it is the only thing that with certainty I can tell exists."><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2021-07-15T05:00:29+00:00" />
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<h1 class="!my-0 pb-2.5">My mind completely in blank. The white cascade, waterfa</h1>
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<time>Jul 15, 2021</time>
<span class="mx-1">·</span>
<section><p>My mind completely in blank. The white cascade, waterfall made ice, flow of ideas stop, but yet chaos lies dormant within, I see it because it exists and I am writing this, a lesson, yet another, to be learn, follow your impulses, follow the stream, when you feel like writing, when you feel like doing literally anything, just fucking do it. Embrace the moment, embrace the present as it is the only thing that with certainty I can tell exists.</p>
<p>Come with me, feel the flame of your own heart, an lets raise hell on this already forsaken earth, and give phoenix its birthplace.</p>
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