--- title: "A Dream: Fake Messiah" date: 2023-02-18T12:28:08-06:00 author: "Lumin" tags: [ "sueños", "inglés", ] --- I don't really know where to start and I must go, what I have to say and the most important part of the dream, what woke me up is that one guy when I tried to fight back destroyed all my resolve and told me; "You are a messiah like me and all of us, you were spared and saved by god, and this is how you pay back?" - Making an allusion to me acting in a "not moral way" and more to my own will and my impulses, in that moment I lost all my strenght and I was baffeld because I was completely surprised, messiah?? me? and there are others? The dream had that eerieness of it being real or of it being a real message and not a complete phabrication of my psyche and/or mind. There is something that was happening before that, I was being annoyed by a lot of people that I used to know but that I never really talked to or became friends with, I was trying to bath and they were all just messing with me, trying to make life as bad as they could, it all felt as if we were spirits, daimons in an ethereal place that looked still like a city and we still looked like humans, and we act like them but like those ethereal beings as well.