inglés on The void of my mind Recent content in inglés on The void of my mind Hugo -- es-mx Sat, 18 Feb 2023 12:28:08 -0600 A Dream: Fake Messiah Sat, 18 Feb 2023 12:28:08 -0600 I don’t really know where to start and I must go, what I have to say and the most important part of the dream, what woke me up is that one guy when I tried to fight back destroyed all my resolve and told me; “You are a messiah like me and all of us, you were spared and saved by god, and this is how you pay back?” - Making an allusion to me acting in a “not moral way” and more to my own will and my impulses, in that moment I lost all my strenght and I was baffeld because I was completely surprised, messiah? Can You See Me? Fri, 17 Feb 2023 23:51:25 -0600 I wonder… what am I to you? What do you feel of me liking you and burning for you as I do? I want to know who am I in your life Is me being here is bothering you? Am I unnamable myself… Cuando estoy contigo mejoran tus días? Do you like being with me? Quiero ser tu amigo y estar ahí para ti. Others say I look radiant with you, but how do you look when you are with me? I Am Liking My New Home Sun, 12 Feb 2023 20:23:24 -0600 Me he tardado un poco habituandome a esta forma de publicar pero me alegra haber dado este pequeño salto a la independencia y esta forma de escribir en múltiples formas vías y hasta cyberespacios me fascina.