name: 🐛 Bug Report description: Open an issue about a bug that needs fixing. title: "[Bug]: " labels: ["bug"] body: - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Prerequisites options: - label: I have written a descriptive issue title. required: true - label: I have searched all issues/PRs to ensure it has not already been reported or fixed. required: true - label: I have verified that I am using the latest version of Scoop and corresponding bucket. required: true - type: input attributes: label: Package Name description: Name of package (install name) which has bug(s) placeholder: e.g. 7zip (not '7-Zip') validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Expected/Current Behaviour description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen and what actually happen. placeholder: I am experiencing a problem with X. I think Y should be happening but Z is actually happening. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Steps to Reproduce description: List of steps, sample code or failing test that reproduces the behavior. render: console placeholder: | PS> scoop install tests/meson Installing 'meson' (0.61.1) [64bit] Loading meson-0.61.1-64.msi from cache. Checking hash of meson-0.61.1-64.msi ... ok. Extracting meson-0.61.1-64.msi ... done. Running installer script... Linking D:\Scoop\apps\meson\current => D:\Scoop\apps\meson\0.61.1 Creating shim for 'meson'. Can't shim 'meson.exe': File doesn't exist. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Possible Solution description: Do you have some suggestions on a fix for the bug? placeholder: I am experiencing a problem with X. I think Y should be happening but Z is actually happening. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Scoop and Buckets Version description: Paste verbatim output from `scoop --version` below. render: console placeholder: | PS> scoop --version Current Scoop version: c60df9cd (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop) docs(changelog): Prepare for version 0.3.1 (#5248) 'extras' bucket: ea314b213 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) lazygit: Update to version 0.36.0 'main' bucket: c6e688d4d (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) x265: Update to version 3.5+68-40e37bc validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Scoop Config description: Paste verbatim output from `scoop config` below. render: console placeholder: | PS> scoop config last_update : 2022/11/14 22:05:50 scoop_repo : scoop_branch : develop use_lessmsi : True aria2-enabled : True aria2-warning-enabled : False validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: PowerShell Version description: Paste verbatim output from `$PSVersionTable` below. render: console placeholder: | PS> $PSVersionTable Name Value ---- ----- PSVersion 7.3.0 PSEdition Core GitCommitId 7.3.0 OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.25236 Platform Win32NT PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0 validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional Softwares description: List any additional software that you are using and may be related to this bug. validations: required: false