nekobit c5d8b9df68 L10N Language support
FossilOrigin-Name: 14aa65bba9ad19568fcec029c2edd8e8e7ea2c0a78a019265c2ff0c8d639ff80
2022-06-05 22:25:18 +00:00

91 lines
4 KiB

<div class="simple-page">
<form action="general" method="post">
<!-- Lets server know we sent it -->
<input type="hidden" name="set" value="1">
<input class="btn btn-single" type="submit" value="Save">
<label for="cfglang">Language:</label>
<select name="lang" id="cfglang">
<option value="0">English</option>
<option value="1">Spanish</option>
<option value="2">Chinese (Traditional)</option>
<input type="checkbox" id="cfgjs" name="js" value="1" {{%s:js_on}}>
<label for="cfgjs">Enable JavaScript - If disabled, overrides options below</label>
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<!-- <input type="checkbox" id="cfgjsactions" name="jsactions" value="1" {{%s:jsactions_on}}> -->
<!-- <label for="cfgjsactions">Quick actions - Likes, Boosts, etc done in background</label> -->
<!-- </li> -->
<!-- <li> -->
<!-- <input type="checkbox" id="cfgjsreply" name="jsreply" value="1" {{%s:jsreply_on}}> -->
<!-- <label for="cfgjsreply">Quick reply - Replies don't require redirects</label> -->
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<!-- <label for="cfgjslive">Live update - Statuses, chats, and reactions fetch on the fly</label> -->
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<input type="checkbox" id="cfgstatattachments" name="statattachments" value="1" {{%s:status_attachments_on}}>
<label for="cfgstatattachments">Show attachments - If disabled, attachments are links instead</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cfgstatgreentexts" name="statgreentexts" value="1" {{%s:status_greentexts_on}}>
<label for="cfgstatgreentexts">Show greentexts</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cfgstatdope" name="statdope" value="1" {{%s:status_dopameme_on}}>
<label for="cfgstatdope">Show dopameme numbers - Likes, comments, and boost counts</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cfgstatoneclicksoftware" name="statoneclicksoftware" value="1" {{%s:status_oneclicksoftware_on}}>
<label for="cfgstatoneclicksoftware">Show Like-Boost button - Show a button in the status which likes and boosts a post</label>
<!-- <li> -->
<!-- <input type="checkbox" id="cfgstatemojolikes" name="statemojolikes" value="1" {{%s:status_emojo_likes_on}}> -->
<!-- <label for="cfgstatemojolikes">Convert Emoji reacts to likes - Also disables the emoji reaction button</label> -->
<!-- </li> -->
<!-- <li> -->
<!-- <input type="checkbox" id="cfgstathidemuted" name="stathidemuted" value="1" {{%s:status_hide_muted_on}}> -->
<!-- <label for="cfgstathidemuted">Hide statuses from muted users and threads - If disabled, statuses will appear collapsed</label> -->
<!-- </li> -->
<!-- <li> -->
<!-- <input type="checkbox" id="cfginstanceshowshoutbox" name="instanceshowshoutbox" value="1" {{%s:instance_show_shoutbox_on}}> -->
<!-- <label for="cfginstanceshowshoutbox">Show instance shoutbox (JS required)</label> -->
<!-- </li> -->
<input type="checkbox" id="cfginstancepanel" name="instancepanel" value="1" {{%s:instance_panel_on}}>
<label for="cfginstancepanel">Show instance panel - <em>Admins should <strong>not</strong> use the instance panel for major announcements</em></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cfgnotifembed" name="notifembed" value="1" {{%s:notifications_embed_on}}>
<label for="cfgnotifembed">Display notifications in iFrame - iFrames separate loading from the main page</label>
<input class="btn btn-single" type="submit" value="Save">