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2022-07-21 22:32:48 +00:00

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Installing Treebird

This is a stub and isn't complete, please update it!


For the following GNU/Linux distributions, you will need the following libraries/packages:


# apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libpcre2-dev libfcgi-dev base-devel

Void GNU/Linux

# xbps-install libcurl libcurl-devel base-devel pcre2 pcre2-devel fcgi fcgi-devel


# pacman -S curl base-devel

Create a copy of config.def.h at config.h, edit the file with your information

Run make. This will also clone mastodont-c, and compile both it and Treebird.

If you fossil update any changes, make update should be run after updating


Run # make install

If this succeeds (assuming you used default variables), you can now find Treebird at the following

  • /usr/local/share/treebird/ - Contains CSS, images, and other meta files
  • /usr/local/bin/treebird - Regular executable CGI file, test it by running it as is, it shouldn't spit anything out


Treebird can be served over nginx by using a FastCGI daemon such as spawn-fcgi.

The example static files will be in /usr/local/share/treebird/, with treebird.cgi at /usr/local/bin/treebird.

After running make, Treebird's files will be in the dist/ directory. Copy, DO NOT MOVE, everything but treebird.cgi of this folder to your web server. Copy treebird.cgi to another directory of your choosing.


An example Nginx configuration is available in treebird.nginx.conf.

  • Make sure to change to your instance's domain.
  • Make sure to change the root to wherever the static files are being stored

Using Apache and mod_proxy_fcgi

Apache hasn't caused many troubles, and is in fact, what I use for development. You can see how to start spawn-fcgi in scripts/

Example Apache configuration is available in treebird.apache.conf.


spawn-fcgi can be used for both Apache and Nginx. Read the manual for it to see how to work it, or view the testing script at scripts/

  • Please, at all costs, avoid FCGIWrap. It's caused nothing but headaches and has proved no real use other than spitting Cannot get script name, are DOCUMENT_ROOT and SCRIPT_NAME (or SCRIPT_FILENAME) set and is the script executable? at you (even if those variables are set and the script is executable)