nekobit 70b3fd7611 Finish statuses
FossilOrigin-Name: 4fe6d637a9f0610b978c32c1a39851546b141c37fd275ee5d44c57884a528a12
2022-08-03 05:08:37 +00:00

78 lines
2.2 KiB

package string_helpers;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::Escape 'escape_html';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw( reltime_to_str greentextify emojify format_username get_mentions_from_content localize_mentions );
my $re_mentions = '(?=<a .*?mention.*?)<a .*?href="https?:\/\/(.*?)\/(?:@|users\/|\/u)?(.*?)?".*?>';
sub reltime_to_str
my $since = time() - $_[0];
return $since . 's' if $since < 60;
return int($since / 60) . 'm' if $since < 60 * 60;
return int($since / (60 * 60)) . 'h' if $since < 60 * 60 * 24;
return int($since / (60 * 60 * 24)) . 'd' if $since < 60 * 60 * 24 * 31;
return int($since / (60 * 60 * 24 * 31)) . 'mon' if $since < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
return int($since / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)) . 'yr';
sub greentextify
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/(&gt;.*?)(?=<|$)/<span class="greentext">$1<\/span>/gs;
$text =~ s/(&lt;.*?)(?=<|$)/<span class="bluetext">$1<\/span>/gs;
$text =~ s/(?:^|>| )(\^.*?)(?=<|$)/<span class="yellowtext">$1<\/span>/gs;
sub emojify
my ($text, $emojis) = @_;
if ($emojis)
foreach my $emoji (@{$emojis})
my $emo = $emoji->{shortcode};
my $url = $emoji->{url};
$text =~ s/:$emo:/<img class="emoji" src="$url" loading="lazy">/gsi;
sub format_username
my $account = shift;
emojify(escape_html($account->{display_name}), $account->{emojis});
sub localize_mentions
my $text = shift;
# idk how to work around this
my $at = '@';
$text =~ s/$re_mentions/<a target="_parent" class="mention" href="$at$2$at$1">/gs;
sub get_mentions_from_content
my ($ssn, $status) = @_;
my $result = '';
my $acct;
while ($status->{'content'} =~
/<a .*?href=\"https?:\/\/(.*?)\/(?:@|users\/|u\/)?(.*?)?\".*?>@(?:<span>)?.*?(?:<\/span>)?/gs)
$acct = $2 . '@' . $1;
# TODO this does not account for the domain (alt interference)
$result .= '@' . $acct unless $ssn->{account}->{acct} eq $2;
($status->{account}->{acct} eq $ssn->{account}->{acct})
? $result : '@' . $status->{account}->{acct} . ' ' . $result;