# Installing Treebird ## Compiling For the following GNU/Linux distributions, you will need the following libraries/packages: - libcurl - Debian: `libcurl4-gnutls-dev` - Arch: `curl` - Void: `libcurl libcurl-devel` - libpcre2 - Debian: `libpcre2-dev` - Void: `pcre2 pcre2-devel` - libfcgi - Debian: `libfcgi-dev` - Void: `fcgi fcgi-devel` Create a copy of `config.def.h` at `config.h`, edit the file with your information Run `make`. This will also clone mastodont-c, and compile both it and Treebird. If you `git pull` any changes, `make update` should be run after updating, as it ensures that mastodont-c is up to date. ## Installation - TODO? Run `make install`, this might require root. If this succeeds (assuming you used default variables), you can now find Treebird at the following - `/usr/local/share/treebird/` - Contains CSS, images, and other meta files - `/usr/local/bin/treebird` - Regular executable CGI file, test it by running it as is, it'll spit HTML out! ### Using NGINX (and fcgiwrap) Treebird can be served over nginx by using a FastCGI server such as fcgiwrap. The example static files will be in `/usr/local/share/treebird/`, with `treebird.cgi` at `/usr/local/bin/treebird`. After running `make`, Treebird's files will be in the `dist/` directory. _Copy_, ***DO NOT MOVE***, **everything but treebird.cgi** of this folder to your web server. Copy `treebird.cgi` to another directory of your choosing. #### nginx An example nginx configuration is available in [treebird.nginx.conf](./sample/treebird.nginx.conf). * Make sure to change `example.com` to your instance's domain. * Make sure to change the `root` to wherever the static files are being stored #### fcgiwrap fcgiwrap can be installed on debian with `sudo apt install fcgiwrap`. The example is using the default configuration included with the `fcgiwrap` package on Debian. ### Using Apache and mod_proxy_fcgi TODO Example Apache configuration is available in [treebird.apache.conf](./sample/treebird.apache.conf).