/* * Treebird - Lightweight frontend for Pleroma * Copyright (C) 2022 Nekobit * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "base_page.h" #include "error.h" #include "../config.h" #include "account.h" #include "easprintf.h" #include "status.h" #include "http.h" #include "base_page.h" #include "scrobble.h" #include "string_helpers.h" #include "navigation.h" // Files #include "../static/account.chtml" #include "../static/account_info.chtml" #include "../static/account_follow_btn.chtml" #include "../static/favourites_page.chtml" #include "../static/bookmarks_page.chtml" #include "../static/account_stub.chtml" #include "../static/account_sidebar.chtml" #define FOLLOWS_YOU_HTML "%s" struct account_args { mastodont_t* api; struct mstdnt_account* accts; uint8_t flags; }; char* load_account_info(struct mstdnt_account* acct, size_t* size) { char* acct_info_html; size_t s; s = easprintf(&acct_info_html, data_account_info_html, acct->note); if (size) *size = s; return acct_info_html; } char* construct_account_sidebar(struct mstdnt_account* acct, size_t* size) { char* acct_sidebar_html; size_t s; s = easprintf(&acct_sidebar_html, data_account_sidebar_html, acct->avatar, acct->display_name, L10N[L10N_EN_US][L10N_TAB_STATUSES], acct->statuses_count, L10N[L10N_EN_US][L10N_TAB_FOLLOWING], acct->following_count, L10N[L10N_EN_US][L10N_TAB_FOLLOWERS], acct->followers_count); if (size) *size = s; return acct_sidebar_html; } static char* account_statuses_cb(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* acct, void* _args) { (void)ssn; struct mstdnt_account_statuses_args* args = _args; char* statuses_html = NULL, *navigation_box = NULL; char* output; struct mstdnt_storage storage; struct mstdnt_status* statuses = NULL; size_t statuses_len = 0; char* start_id; if (mastodont_get_account_statuses(api, acct->id, args, &storage, &statuses, &statuses_len)) { statuses_html = construct_error(storage.error, E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } else { statuses_html = construct_statuses(ssn, api, statuses, statuses_len, NULL, NULL); if (!statuses_html) statuses_html = construct_error("No statuses", E_NOTICE, 1, NULL); } if (statuses) { // If not set, set it start_id = keystr(ssn->post.start_id) ? keystr(ssn->post.start_id) : statuses[0].id; navigation_box = construct_navigation_box(start_id, statuses[0].id, statuses[statuses_len-1].id, NULL); } easprintf(&output, "%s%s", STR_NULL_EMPTY(statuses_html), STR_NULL_EMPTY(navigation_box)); mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); mstdnt_cleanup_statuses(statuses, statuses_len); if (statuses_html) free(statuses_html); if (navigation_box) free(navigation_box); return output; } static char* account_scrobbles_cb(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* acct, void* _args) { (void)ssn; (void)_args; char* scrobbles_html = NULL; struct mstdnt_storage storage; struct mstdnt_scrobble* scrobbles = NULL; size_t scrobbles_len = 0; struct mstdnt_get_scrobbles_args args = { .max_id = NULL, .min_id = NULL, .since_id = NULL, .offset = 0, .limit = 20 }; if (mastodont_get_scrobbles(api, acct->id, &args, &storage, &scrobbles, &scrobbles_len)) { scrobbles_html = construct_error(storage.error, E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } else { scrobbles_html = construct_scrobbles(scrobbles, scrobbles_len, NULL); if (!scrobbles_html) scrobbles_html = construct_error("No scrobbles", E_NOTICE, 1, NULL); } mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); free(scrobbles); return scrobbles_html; } static void fetch_account_page(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char* id, void* args, enum account_tab tab, char* (*callback)(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* acct, void* args)) { char* account_page; char* data; struct mstdnt_storage storage = { 0 }, relations_storage = { 0 }; struct mstdnt_account acct = { 0 }; struct mstdnt_relationship* relationships = NULL; size_t relationships_len = 0; int lookup_type = config_experimental_lookup ? MSTDNT_LOOKUP_ACCT : MSTDNT_LOOKUP_ID; if (mastodont_get_account(api, lookup_type, id, &acct, &storage)) { account_page = construct_error(storage.error, E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } else { // Relationships may fail mastodont_get_relationships(api, &(acct.id), 1, &relations_storage, &relationships, &relationships_len); data = callback(ssn, api, &acct, args); account_page = load_account_page(api, &acct, relationships, tab, data, NULL); if (!account_page) account_page = construct_error("Couldn't load page", E_ERROR, 1, NULL); free(data); } struct base_page b = { .category = BASE_CAT_NONE, .locale = L10N_EN_US, .content = account_page, .sidebar_left = NULL }; render_base_page(&b, ssn, api); /* Output */ mstdnt_cleanup_account(&acct); mstdnt_cleanup_relationships(relationships); mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); mastodont_storage_cleanup(&relations_storage); free(account_page); } size_t construct_account_page(char** result, struct account_page* page, char* content) { int size; struct mstdnt_relationship* rel = page->relationship; char* follow_btn = NULL, *follow_btn_text = NULL; char* follows_you = NULL; char* info_html = NULL; char* is_blocked = NULL; // Check if note is not empty if (page->note && strcmp(page->note, "") != 0) { info_html = load_account_info(page->account, NULL); } if (rel) { if (MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_FOLLOWED_BY)) easprintf(&follows_you, FOLLOWS_YOU_HTML, L10N[page->locale][L10N_FOLLOWS_YOU]); if (MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_BLOCKED_BY)) is_blocked = construct_error(L10N[page->locale][L10N_BLOCKED], E_NOTICE, 0, NULL); if (MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_REQUESTED)) follow_btn_text = L10N[page->locale][L10N_FOLLOW_PENDING]; else if (MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_FOLLOWING)) follow_btn_text = L10N[page->locale][L10N_FOLLOWING]; else follow_btn_text = L10N[page->locale][L10N_FOLLOW]; easprintf(&follow_btn, data_account_follow_btn_html, config_url_prefix, page->id, (rel && (MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_FOLLOWING) || MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_REQUESTED)) ? "un" : ""), (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_FOLLOWING) ? "active" : ""), follow_btn_text); } size = easprintf(result, data_account_html, STR_NULL_EMPTY(is_blocked), page->header_image, STR_NULL_EMPTY(follows_you), page->display_name, page->acct, config_url_prefix, page->id, (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_NOTIFYING) ? "un" : ""), (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_NOTIFYING) ? L10N[page->locale][L10N_UNSUBSCRIBE] : L10N[page->locale][L10N_SUBSCRIBE]), config_url_prefix, page->id, (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_BLOCKING) ? "un" : ""), (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_BLOCKING) ? L10N[page->locale][L10N_UNBLOCK] : L10N[page->locale][L10N_BLOCK]), config_url_prefix, page->id, (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_MUTING) ? "un" : ""), (rel && MSTDNT_FLAG_ISSET(rel->flags, MSTDNT_RELATIONSHIP_MUTING) ? L10N[page->locale][L10N_UNMUTE] : L10N[page->locale][L10N_MUTE]), L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_STATUSES], page->statuses_count, L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_FOLLOWING], page->following_count, L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_FOLLOWERS], page->followers_count, STR_NULL_EMPTY(follow_btn), page->profile_image, STR_NULL_EMPTY(info_html), config_url_prefix, page->acct, MAKE_FOCUSED_IF(page->tab, ACCT_TAB_STATUSES), L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_STATUSES], config_url_prefix, page->acct, MAKE_FOCUSED_IF(page->tab, ACCT_TAB_SCROBBLES), L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_SCROBBLES], config_url_prefix, page->acct, MAKE_FOCUSED_IF(page->tab, ACCT_TAB_MEDIA), L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_MEDIA], config_url_prefix, page->acct, MAKE_FOCUSED_IF(page->tab, ACCT_TAB_PINNED), L10N[page->locale][L10N_TAB_PINNED], content); if (info_html) free(info_html); if (follows_you) free(follows_you); if (follow_btn) free(follow_btn); if (is_blocked) free(is_blocked); return size; } char* construct_account(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* acct, uint8_t flags, int* size) { char* acct_html; size_t s = easprintf(&acct_html, data_account_stub_html, config_url_prefix, acct->acct, acct->avatar, config_url_prefix, acct->acct, acct->display_name, acct->acct); if (size) *size = s; return acct_html; } static char* construct_account_voidwrap(void* passed, size_t index, int* res) { struct account_args* args = passed; return construct_account(args->api, args->accts + index, args->flags, res); } char* construct_accounts(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* accounts, size_t size, uint8_t flags, size_t* ret_size) { if (!(accounts && size)) return NULL; struct account_args acct_args = { .api = api, .accts = accounts, .flags = flags, }; return construct_func_strings(construct_account_voidwrap, &acct_args, size, ret_size); } char* load_account_page(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_account* acct, struct mstdnt_relationship* relationship, enum account_tab tab, char* content, size_t* res_size) { size_t size; char* result; struct account_page page = { .locale = L10N_EN_US, .account = acct, .header_image = acct->header, .profile_image = acct->avatar, .acct = acct->acct, .display_name = acct->display_name, .statuses_count = acct->statuses_count, .following_count = acct->following_count, .followers_count = acct->followers_count, .note = acct->note, .id = acct->id, .tab = tab, .relationship = relationship, }; size = construct_account_page(&result, &page, content); if (res_size) *res_size = size; return result; } void content_account_statuses(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { struct mstdnt_account_statuses_args args = { .pinned = 0, .only_media = 0, .with_muted = 0, .exclude_reblogs = 0, .exclude_replies = 0, .tagged = NULL, .max_id = keystr(ssn->post.max_id), .min_id = keystr(ssn->post.min_id), .since_id = NULL, .offset = 0, .limit = 20, }; fetch_account_page(ssn, api, data[0], &args, ACCT_TAB_STATUSES, account_statuses_cb); } void content_account_scrobbles(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { fetch_account_page(ssn, api, data[0], NULL, ACCT_TAB_SCROBBLES, account_scrobbles_cb); } void content_account_pinned(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { struct mstdnt_account_statuses_args args = { .pinned = 1, .only_media = 0, .with_muted = 0, .exclude_reblogs = 0, .exclude_replies = 0, .tagged = NULL, .max_id = keystr(ssn->post.max_id), .min_id = keystr(ssn->post.min_id), .since_id = NULL, .offset = 0, .limit = 20, }; fetch_account_page(ssn, api, data[0], &args, ACCT_TAB_PINNED, account_statuses_cb); } void content_account_media(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { struct mstdnt_account_statuses_args args = { .pinned = 0, .only_media = 1, .with_muted = 0, .exclude_reblogs = 0, .exclude_replies = 0, .tagged = NULL, .max_id = keystr(ssn->post.max_id), .min_id = keystr(ssn->post.min_id), .since_id = NULL, .offset = 0, .limit = 20, }; fetch_account_page(ssn, api, data[0], &args, ACCT_TAB_MEDIA, account_statuses_cb); } void content_account_action(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { char* referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); struct mstdnt_storage storage = { 0 }; struct mstdnt_relationship acct = { 0 }; if (strcmp(data[1], "follow") == 0) mastodont_follow_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "unfollow") == 0) mastodont_unfollow_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "mute") == 0) mastodont_mute_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "unmute") == 0) mastodont_unmute_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "block") == 0) mastodont_block_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "unblock") == 0) mastodont_unblock_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "subscribe") == 0) mastodont_subscribe_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); else if (strcmp(data[1], "unsubscribe") == 0) mastodont_unsubscribe_account(api, data[0], &storage, &acct); mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); redirect(REDIRECT_303, referer); } void content_account_bookmarks(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { size_t status_count = 0, statuses_html_count = 0; struct mstdnt_status* statuses = NULL; struct mstdnt_storage storage = { 0 }; char* status_format = NULL, *navigation_box = NULL, *output = NULL; char* start_id; struct mstdnt_bookmarks_args args = { .max_id = keystr(ssn->post.max_id), .since_id = NULL, .min_id = keystr(ssn->post.min_id), .limit = 20, }; if (mastodont_get_bookmarks(api, &args, &storage, &statuses, &status_count)) { status_format = construct_error(storage.error, E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } else { // Construct statuses into HTML status_format = construct_statuses(ssn, api, statuses, status_count, NULL, &statuses_html_count); if (!status_format) status_format = construct_error("Couldn't load posts", E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } // Create post box if (statuses) { // If not set, set it start_id = keystr(ssn->post.start_id) ? keystr(ssn->post.start_id) : statuses[0].id; navigation_box = construct_navigation_box(start_id, statuses[0].id, statuses[status_count-1].id, NULL); } easprintf(&output, data_bookmarks_page_html, status_format, STR_NULL_EMPTY(navigation_box)); struct base_page b = { .category = BASE_CAT_BOOKMARKS, .locale = L10N_EN_US, .content = output, .sidebar_left = NULL }; // Output render_base_page(&b, ssn, api); // Cleanup mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); mstdnt_cleanup_statuses(statuses, status_count); if (status_format) free(status_format); if (navigation_box) free(navigation_box); if (output) free(output); } void content_account_favourites(struct session* ssn, mastodont_t* api, char** data) { size_t status_count = 0, statuses_html_count = 0; struct mstdnt_status* statuses = NULL; struct mstdnt_storage storage = { 0 }; char* status_format = NULL, *navigation_box = NULL, *output = NULL, *page = NULL; char* start_id; struct mstdnt_favourites_args args = { .max_id = keystr(ssn->post.max_id), .min_id = keystr(ssn->post.min_id), .limit = 20, }; if (mastodont_get_favourites(api, &args, &storage, &statuses, &status_count)) { status_format = construct_error(storage.error, E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } else { // Construct statuses into HTML status_format = construct_statuses(ssn, api, statuses, status_count, NULL, &statuses_html_count); if (!status_format) status_format = construct_error("Couldn't load posts", E_ERROR, 1, NULL); } // Create post box if (statuses) { // If not set, set it start_id = keystr(ssn->post.start_id) ? keystr(ssn->post.start_id) : statuses[0].id; navigation_box = construct_navigation_box(start_id, statuses[0].id, statuses[status_count-1].id, NULL); } easprintf(&output, data_favourites_page_html, status_format, navigation_box ? navigation_box : ""); struct base_page b = { .category = BASE_CAT_FAVOURITES, .locale = L10N_EN_US, .content = output, .sidebar_left = NULL }; // Output render_base_page(&b, ssn, api); // Cleanup mastodont_storage_cleanup(&storage); mstdnt_cleanup_statuses(statuses, status_count); if (status_format) free(status_format); if (navigation_box) free(navigation_box); if (output) free(output); }