2022-12-02 21:15:49 -05:00

88 lines
1.8 KiB

package api
import (
type User struct {
session *sessions.Session
username string
// Do things that aren't auth flow here
func Ingest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
request := r.URL.Query().Get("req")
zp := dns.NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(request), "", "")
for rr, ok := zp.Next(); ok; rr, ok = zp.Next() {
// todo -- add functions to apply to master zonefile if above check is OK
if err := zp.Err(); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Unable to parse Zonefile", http.StatusBadRequest)
func NewUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// TODO: take form input here
// TODO: store in cookie
asdf := NewSession("greg", w, r)
asdf.Secret(w, r)
asdf.Logout(w, r)
// basic if authenticated poc
func (user *User) Secret(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ := Store.Get(r, user.session.Name())
// Check if user is authenticated
if auth, ok := session.Values["authenticated"].(bool); !ok || !auth {
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
// take username and password, shit out user
func Login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) User {
lookupUsername := r.URL.Query().Get("uname")
// Authentication goes here
// ...
// get session from database with username and password
// pass session ID below
session, _ := Store.Get(r, lookupUsername)
// Set user as authenticated
session.Values["authenticated"] = true
session.Save(r, w)
return User{
session: session,
func (user *User) Logout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ := Store.Get(r, user.session.Name())
// Revoke users authentication
session.Values["authenticated"] = false
session.Save(r, w)