nekobit 05af07a450 Get fds function
FossilOrigin-Name: f2e861ab0b82431686099ea537def9b3344d390b3c7445643b9b09986e48be32
2023-03-06 03:14:01 +00:00

111 lines
3 KiB

* Licensed under BSD 3-Clause License
#include <cjson/cJSON.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "mastodont_types.h"
/** Used to store the response from CURL */
struct mstdnt_fetch_data
char* response;
size_t size;
// Callback from user
mstdnt_request_cb_t callback;
void* callback_args;
int (*json_cb)(cJSON*, void*, mstdnt_request_cb_data*);
void* json_args;
struct mstdnt_fd
int fd;
short events;
short revents;
/* Note: Don't quite rely on these values being equal to curl's! */
enum mstdnt_fds_events
enum mstdnt_fetch_await
size_t mstdnt_curl_write_callback(char* ptr, size_t _size, size_t nmemb, void* _content);
void mstdnt_fetch_data_cleanup(struct mstdnt_fetch_data* res);
* @brief Attempts to fetch, async or blocking.
* @param mstdnt Mastodont struct
* @param curl curl API
* @param args Mastodont General args passed
* @param url URL of request
* @param results Results from response
* @return Number of connections in progress, or -1 on error
int mstdnt_fetch_curl_async(mastodont_t* mstdnt,
CURL* curl,
struct mstdnt_args* args,
mstdnt_request_cb_t cb_request,
void* cb_args,
int (*json_cb)(cJSON*, void*, mstdnt_request_cb_data*),
void* json_args,
char* url,
CURLoption request_t,
char* request_t_custom);
* \brief Blocks until a transfer is complete.
* You can also check curl's socket, but mastodont offers ways to do that
* in case of change
* \param mstdnt Mastodont struct
* \param opt Option, MSTDNT_AWAIT_ALL means it will keep going until
* there are no more transfers. MSTDNT_AWAIT_ONCE will run
* \param extra_fds Set of file descriptors to poll alongside
* the mastodont data.
* \param nfds Length of extra_fds
* \return 1 on error
int mstdnt_await(mastodont_t* mstdnt,
enum mstdnt_fetch_await opt,
struct mstdnt_fd extra_fds[],
size_t nfds);
* Returns a array of file descriptors to network sockets (if any)
* These file descriptors only notify when ready to read.
* \remark If you need the write-ready sockets available, poke at CURLM*
* \remark Usually required if you want to interface Mastodont with
* application event loops (i.e. GTK, QT, EFL)
* \param set Reference ptr to set
* \param nfds Number of file descriptors to check for reading.
* \return 0 on success, 1 on error
mstdnt_get_fds(mastodont_t* mstdnt,
fd_set* set,
int* nfds);
void mstdnt_request_cb_cleanup(mstdnt_request_cb_data* data);
#endif /* MASTODONT_FETCH_H */