/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONV_SIZE 64 static void mime_params_post(curl_mime* mime, struct _mstdnt_query_param* params, size_t size) { size_t i; curl_mimepart* part; char conv_val[CONV_SIZE]; char* val_ptr; char* escape_str; struct mstdnt_file* file = NULL; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { part = curl_mime_addpart(mime); /* Skip if file is empty */ if (params[i].type == _MSTDNT_QUERY_FILE && params[i].value.f == NULL) continue; switch (params[i].type) { case _MSTDNT_QUERY_INT: snprintf(conv_val, CONV_SIZE, "%d", params[i].value.i); val_ptr = conv_val; break; case _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING: val_ptr = params[i].value.s; break; case _MSTDNT_QUERY_FILE: file = params[i].value.f; val_ptr = file->file; curl_mime_type(part, file->filetype); curl_mime_filename(part, file->filename); default: /* Any other types are not supported! */ break; } curl_mime_data(part, val_ptr, file ? file->filesize : CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED); curl_mime_name(part, params[i].key); } } int mastodont_request(mastodont_t* data, struct mastodont_request_args* args) { int res = 0, curlerror = 0; struct mstdnt_storage* storage = args->storage; struct mstdnt_fetch_results results = { 0 }; curl_mime* mime = NULL; char* post; char* url_query = args->params_query ? _mstdnt_query_string(data, args->url, args->params_query, args->params_query_len) : args->url; /* Zero out */ memset(storage, 0, sizeof(struct mstdnt_storage)); storage->needs_cleanup = 0; if (args->params_post && args->request_type == CURLOPT_POST) { post = _mstdnt_query_string(data, NULL, args->params_post, args->params_post_len); curl_easy_setopt(data->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post); } else if (args->params_post && args->request_type == CURLOPT_MIMEPOST) { /* Initialize MIME post */ mime = curl_mime_init(data->curl); curl_easy_setopt(data->curl, args->request_type, mime); /* Let's handle query params array */ mime_params_post(mime, args->params_post, args->params_post_len); } /* Make it empty, no post data provided */ /* I'm not sure why the pleroma api does this */ else if (args->request_type == CURLOPT_POST) curl_easy_setopt(data->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ""); curlerror = mastodont_fetch_curl(data, url_query, &results, args->request_type); if (mime) curl_mime_free(mime); if (curlerror != CURLE_OK) { res = 1; storage->error = (char*)curl_easy_strerror(curlerror); goto cleanup; } if (mstdnt_check_error(&results, storage)) { res = 1; goto cleanup_res; } storage->needs_cleanup = 1; /* Optional */ if (args->callback) res = args->callback(&results, storage, args->args); cleanup_res: mastodont_fetch_results_cleanup(&results); cleanup: if (args->params_post && args->request_type == CURLOPT_POST) free(post); /* Only free if params_query set */ if (args->params_query) free(url_query); return res; }