/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct mstdnt_get_lists_args { struct mstdnt_list** lists; size_t* size; }; static void _mstdnt_val_replies_policy_call(cJSON* v, void* _type) { enum mstdnt_list_replies_policy* type = _type; if (strcmp("none", v->valuestring) == 0) *type = MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_NONE; else if (strcmp("list", v->valuestring) == 0) *type = MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_LIST; else if (strcmp("followed", v->valuestring) == 0) *type = MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_FOLLOWED; } int mstdnt_list_json(struct mstdnt_list* list, cJSON* js) { if (!list) return 1; cJSON* v; /* Zero out */ memset(list, 0, sizeof(struct mstdnt_list)); struct _mstdnt_val_ref vals[] = { { "id", &(list->id), _mstdnt_val_string_call }, { "title", &(list->title), _mstdnt_val_string_call }, { "replies_policy", &(list->replies_policy), _mstdnt_val_replies_policy_call } }; for (v = js; v; v = v->next) _mstdnt_key_val_ref(v, vals, _mstdnt_arr_len(vals)); return 0; } GENERATE_JSON_ARRAY_FUNC(mstdnt_lists_json, struct mstdnt_list, mstdnt_list_json); static int mstdnt_list_json_callback(cJSON* json, void* _args) { return mstdnt_list_json(_args, json); } static int mstdnt_lists_json_callback(cJSON* json, void* _args) { struct mstdnt_get_lists_args* args = _args; return mstdnt_lists_json(args->lists, args->size, json); } int mstdnt_get_lists(mastodont_t* data, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, struct mstdnt_storage* storage, struct mstdnt_list* lists[], size_t* size) { struct mstdnt_get_lists_args args = { lists, size }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, "api/v1/lists", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, NULL, &args, mstdnt_lists_json_callback }; return mstdnt_request(data, m_args, &req_args); } int mstdnt_get_list(mastodont_t* data, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, struct mstdnt_storage* storage, struct mstdnt_list* list) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s", id); struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, NULL, list, mstdnt_list_json_callback }; return mstdnt_request(data, m_args, &req_args); } static const char* replies_policy_str(enum mstdnt_list_replies_policy pol) { switch (pol) { case MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_LIST: return "list"; case MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_FOLLOWED: return "followed"; case MSTDNT_LIST_REPLIES_POLICY_NONE: default: return "none"; } } int mstdnt_create_list(mastodont_t* data, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, struct mstdnt_list_args* args, struct mstdnt_storage* storage, struct mstdnt_list* list) { struct _mstdnt_query_param params[] = { { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "title", { .s = args->title } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "replies_policy", { .s = (char*)replies_policy_str(args->replies_policy) } }, }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, "api/v1/lists", NULL, 0, params, _mstdnt_arr_len(params), CURLOPT_POST, NULL, list, mstdnt_list_json_callback }; return mstdnt_request(data, m_args,&req_args); } int mstdnt_update_list(mastodont_t* data, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, struct mstdnt_list_args* args, struct mstdnt_storage* storage, struct mstdnt_list* list) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s", id); struct _mstdnt_query_param params[] = { { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "title", { .s = args->title } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "replies_policy", { .s = (char*)replies_policy_str(args->replies_policy) } }, }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, NULL, 0, params, _mstdnt_arr_len(params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT", list, mstdnt_list_json_callback }; return mstdnt_request(data, m_args, &req_args); } int mstdnt_delete_list(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, struct mstdnt_storage* storage) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s", id); struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE", NULL, NULL, }; return mstdnt_request(api, m_args, &req_args); } int mstdnt_list_add_accounts(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, char** account_ids, size_t account_ids_len, struct mstdnt_storage* storage) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s/accounts", id); struct _mstdnt_query_param params[] = { { _MSTDNT_QUERY_ARRAY, "account_ids", { .a.arr = account_ids, .a.arr_len = account_ids_len } }, }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, NULL, 0, params, _mstdnt_arr_len(params), CURLOPT_POST, NULL, NULL, NULL, }; return mstdnt_request(api, m_args, &req_args); } int mstdnt_list_remove_accounts(mastodont_t* api, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, char** account_ids, size_t account_ids_len, struct mstdnt_storage* storage) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s/accounts", id); struct _mstdnt_query_param params[] = { { _MSTDNT_QUERY_ARRAY, "account_ids", { .a.arr = account_ids, .a.arr_len = account_ids_len } }, }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, NULL, 0, params, _mstdnt_arr_len(params), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE", NULL, NULL, }; return mstdnt_request(api, m_args, &req_args); } int mstdnt_list_get_accounts(mastodont_t* data, struct mstdnt_args* m_args, char* id, struct mstdnt_account_args* args, struct mstdnt_storage* storage, struct mstdnt_account* accts[], size_t* accts_len) { char url[MSTDNT_URLSIZE]; snprintf(url, MSTDNT_URLSIZE, "api/v1/lists/%s/accounts", id); struct _mstdnt_accounts_args _args = { accts, accts_len, }; struct _mstdnt_query_param params[] = { { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "max_id", { .s = args->max_id } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "min_id", { .s = args->min_id } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_STRING, "since_id", { .s = args->since_id } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_INT, "offset", { .i = args->offset } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_INT, "limit", { .i = args->limit } }, { _MSTDNT_QUERY_INT, "with_relationships", { .i = args->with_relationships } }, }; struct mstdnt_request_args req_args = { storage, url, params, _mstdnt_arr_len(params), NULL, 0, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, NULL, &_args, mstdnt_accounts_json_callback, }; return mstdnt_request(data, m_args, &req_args); } void mstdnt_cleanup_lists(struct mstdnt_list* lists) { mstdnt_free(lists); }