package dnscrypt import "errors" var ( // ErrTooShort - DNS query is shorter than possible ErrTooShort = errors.New("DNSCrypt message is too short") // ErrQueryTooLarge - DNS query is larger than max allowed size ErrQueryTooLarge = errors.New("DNSCrypt query is too large") // ErrEsVersion - cert contains unsupported es-version ErrEsVersion = errors.New("unsupported es-version") // ErrInvalidDate - cert is not valid for the current time ErrInvalidDate = errors.New("cert has invalid ts-start or ts-end") // ErrInvalidCertSignature - cert has invalid signature ErrInvalidCertSignature = errors.New("cert has invalid signature") // ErrInvalidQuery - failed to decrypt a DNSCrypt query ErrInvalidQuery = errors.New("DNSCrypt query is invalid and cannot be decrypted") // ErrInvalidClientMagic - client-magic does not match ErrInvalidClientMagic = errors.New("DNSCrypt query contains invalid client magic") // ErrInvalidResolverMagic - server-magic does not match ErrInvalidResolverMagic = errors.New("DNSCrypt response contains invalid resolver magic") // ErrInvalidResponse - failed to decrypt a DNSCrypt response ErrInvalidResponse = errors.New("DNSCrypt response is invalid and cannot be decrypted") // ErrInvalidPadding - failed to unpad a query ErrInvalidPadding = errors.New("invalid padding") // ErrInvalidDNSStamp - invalid DNS stamp ErrInvalidDNSStamp = errors.New("invalid DNS stamp") // ErrFailedToFetchCert - failed to fetch DNSCrypt certificate ErrFailedToFetchCert = errors.New("failed to fetch DNSCrypt certificate") // ErrCertTooShort - failed to deserialize cert, too short ErrCertTooShort = errors.New("cert is too short") // ErrCertMagic - invalid cert magic ErrCertMagic = errors.New("invalid cert magic") // ErrServerConfig - failed to start the DNSCrypt server - invalid configuration ErrServerConfig = errors.New("invalid server configuration") ) const ( // is a variable length, initially set to 256 bytes, and // must be a multiple of 64 bytes. (see // Some servers do not work if padded length is less than 256. Example: Quad9 minUDPQuestionSize = 256 // - maximum allowed query length maxQueryLen = 1252 // Minimum possible DNS packet size minDNSPacketSize = 12 + 5 // See 11. Authenticated encryption and key exchange algorithm // The public and secret keys are 32 bytes long in storage keySize = 32 // size of the shared key used to encrypt/decrypt messages sharedKeySize = 32 // ClientMagic - the first 8 bytes of a client query that is to be built // using the information from this certificate. It may be a truncated // public key. Two valid certificates cannot share the same . clientMagicSize = 8 // When using X25519-XSalsa20Poly1305, this construction requires a 24 bytes // nonce, that must not be reused for a given shared secret. nonceSize = 24 // the first 8 bytes of every dnscrypt response. must match resolverMagic. resolverMagicSize = 8 ) var ( // certMagic - bytes sequence that must be in the beginning of the serialized cert certMagic = [4]byte{0x44, 0x4e, 0x53, 0x43} // resolverMagic - byte sequence that must be in the beginning of every response resolverMagic = []byte{0x72, 0x36, 0x66, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x57, 0x6a, 0x38} ) // CryptoConstruction represents the encryption algorithm (either XSalsa20Poly1305 or XChacha20Poly1305) type CryptoConstruction uint16 const ( // UndefinedConstruction is the default value for empty CertInfo only UndefinedConstruction CryptoConstruction = iota // XSalsa20Poly1305 encryption XSalsa20Poly1305 CryptoConstruction = 0x0001 // XChacha20Poly1305 encryption XChacha20Poly1305 CryptoConstruction = 0x0002 ) func (c CryptoConstruction) String() string { switch c { case XChacha20Poly1305: return "XChacha20Poly1305" case XSalsa20Poly1305: return "XSalsa20Poly1305" default: return "Unknown" } }